
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Milk and Fresh Fruit Juice Essay

Breast milk can be produced fresh or can be frozen for use at a later date. Breast milk can be left for up to five days in a fridge with a tempeture of 4 degrees Celsius or lower, it can be left up to two weeks in the freezer compartment of a fridge. If the breast milk is frozen it can be left up to six months in a freezer with a tempeture of at least minus 18 degrees Celsius. It is recommended by the department of health that formula milk should be made fresh rather than made up in advance, for more convience liquid formula can be bought. If liquid formula isn’t available then a flask with boiling water can be made so formula can be made when needed. EYMP3-5.2 It is important to follow carer’s instructions regarding dietary requirements as some children will have severe reactions to some food. Diabetic children will have specific dietary requirements that need to be followed carefully because if not could lead to the child having low or high blood sugars. Children that have food intolerances may get diarrhoea if they are given foods that they are intolerant to. Children with known allergies should be supervised whilst eating. The signs of an allergic reaction are; swelling of the lips and eyes, redness of the face or other parts of the body. They could also start to itch or have difficulty breathing. Children with a severe may be prescribed an epi pen and training should be given before administrating. EYMP3-5.3 EYMP 3 – 5.4 Educating children in food management and portion control is very important as eating habits developed in childhood will continue into later life. Education starts with the parents and it is in the home where all children’s eating habits are formed. Leaflets should be given to parents when they give birth about properly feeding their children and the importance of nutritional value of food. Nurseries and schools should give regular newsletters to parents with the importance of nutritional value in foods. Educational establishments should educate children and parents about the importance of portion control and ensure that correct portion sizes are given. This message can be reinformed with smaller plates. Health Visitors, school nurseries, health professionals and dieticians are all crucial in spreading the message to children and parents about the importance of healthy eating and portion control. They are also crucial in checking that children are gaining weight healthily but not too much. Encouraging lots of physical play in school/nursery will help in keeping childrens weight under control. Educating children in the importance of not bullying other children who are overweight is also very important. SHC 32 – 1.1 Job description Look after children and ensure they are kept healthy and safe Ensure all health and safety guidelines are strictly adhered to Carry out risk assessments before any new activities/toys are introduced Devise educational and fun activities for children from age 4 to 11 Supervises activities Supervise children Read to the children Supervise toilet trips Prepare healthy and nutricious snacks for children Keep play areas clean and tidy Assist children with homework Baking with the children SHC 32 1.2 I am expected to follow the following codes of practice:- Safeguarding – ensuring that the children are kept safe whilst in our care and also be very observant as to what happens when the children are not in our care, ie if the children arrive with bruises or if they are upset, shaken or distressed when they arrive or as they are leaving. Also to make sure that other staff treat all the children well and do not mistreat any of them. Whistleblowing Policy – ensuring that if there is anything that we do not feel comfortable about, for example if we feel that one of the staff members are behaving inappropriately towards any of the children, we are expected to report this to our Manager to ensure that action is taken to prevent further mistreatment. Health & Safety at Work Act – acting responsibly in the environment in which we work. Ensuring that we follow all guidelines to keep our work place safe and that we keep ourselves, our colleagues and the children safe. National minimum standards – EYFS Welfare Requirements – ensuring that children are developing properly in line with targets set for their ages. National Occupational Standards – Ensuring that we conform to best practice set within the industry to make sure that we are complying with standards set. SHC 32 – 2.3 Working practices may be affected if hypothetically my Manager decided that a game of hopscotch was not appropriate for the young children to play but, as a younger person, I believed that it was a safe game to play. I would have a discussion with my Manager and explain why I thought it was safe and my Manager would explain that she had carried out a risk assessment for Hopscotch and decided that it was inappropriate. In a previous role, I did not agree with the way a member of staff disciplined young children when she was unhappy with their behaviour. She shouted at the child without coming down to their level or explaining what the child did. I was uncomfortable with this and brought it to the attention of my Manager who addressed this with the member of staff. This gave me the confidence and experience to ensure that I was very aware of the way my colleagues behaved and to take appropriate action when required. SHC 32 4.1 I have regular meetings with my Supervisor to discuss how I am progressing within my role and any feedback from parents or colleagues is passed on to me. I have regular meetings with my Manager to discuss my progression where I am asked if I need any additional help or whether I have any comments as to how we can make things better. I regularly meet with my colleagues to discuss planning and how we can make things better for the children and planning activities for the different age groups to ensure all our activities are consistent with each other. I have regular appraisals to monitor my progress and to give and receive feedback about my role and development. I have a college tutor who is there to help me develop my role, develop as an employee and develop my skills as I work towards my Level 3. I frequently research new activities and legislation on the internet to consistently develop. EYMP 4 – 4.1 It is key to review my practice to ensure that I am fully up to date with latest legislation as things change so frequently and it is important that children are always kept safe and parents are always kept fully informed. It is important to think critically about what I do in my work and analyse how I do it and why I do it that way and asses the effectiveness of what I am doing at work and how I can become more effective. It is something that we need to do regularly to get a clearer picture of what we do in our roles and assess whether we are being really effective.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Justifiable and Unjustifiable Government Interference

Since the Patriot Act was enacted after September 11, 2001. There has been an ongoing argument about the validity of the Patriot Act and whether or not it is a violation of civil rights. The question is how far is too far? How much intrusion will Americans allow into their lives for the sake of national security? The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001. The Patriot Act has 16 provisions that give the government surveillance and legal powers to use against terrorists. Since 9/11, there have been no other terror attacks on American soil. Since this time has passed with no other attacks, people are starting to question whether the Patriot Act should be scaled back or whether we even need it at all. The Patriot Act addresses several new areas in surveillance. I will touch on a couple of those new provisions and what they mean. Pen Register or Trap and Trace Orders: Currently, law enforcement agencies involved in intelligence investigations can obtain a ‘pen register’ or ‘trap and trace’ order under which they can have access to numbers dialed and received by a particular phone. In order to obtain a pen/trap order, law enforcement must show that the information they are seeking is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation and that the suspect that they are tracking is ‘in communication with’ someone involved in international terrorism or intelligence activities. This is a much lower standard than the probable cause standard used in criminal investigations. The Patriot Act reduces this standard even further, eliminating the ‘in communication with’ requirement. Law enforcement officials must simply show that the information they are seeking is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation. Under this provision, when law enforcement requests a pen/trap order from a judge, he must issue it. The judge has no discretion to refuse, even if he/she views it as unnecessary or unjust. These are the types of provisions that concern opponents to the Patriot Act and those who think our privacy is being threatened. Although, it this may help in the fight against terrorists, opponents contend that it could be used against all citizens. I have a hard time believing that law enforcement is going to be wasting their time with people that are not involved in some type of terrorist or criminal activity. This doesn’t mean that the powers could not be abused or that mistakes could not be made. Just that in the grand scheme of things, these instances are unlikely. And if they do happen, the consequences in relation to the issue of national security is not likely to be all that great. The PA also extends the scope of information that can be obtained using a pen/trap order. Law enforcement may now have access to ‘dialing, routing, and signaling’ information where in the past it could only be used to obtain telephone numbers dialed and received. The reference to routing information refer specifically to internet use – either for email or browsing. The PA expressly states that the â€Å"contents† of communications may not be obtained with trap/trace orders, but the PA does not define the term. The FBI began using a new tool called â€Å"Carnivore† to monitor email and instant messages. They claim it will be very effective against terrorists. Opponents claim it can be used against any citizen. Carnivore lets them monitor everyone who uses the same internet provider that the suspect uses, whether they are under investigation or not. The argument is that new rules need to be put into place to prevent innocent people from being tracked instead of relying on the FBI to filter out any non-relevant information. Because content cannot easily be separated from internet routing information, in order to obtain an email address, law enforcement must be given access to the entire email packet and then is entrusted to only viewing the address and deleting the content without viewing it. With internet browsing, content cannot be easily separated from internet routing information either. This is different from telephone calls where the numbers dialed and received can easily be separated from the content of the phone call. The PA increases the scope of subpoenas. In the past, the government could use a subpoena to compel an ISP or website to release the following information about their subscribers: customer’s name, address, length of service, and method of payment. The government could not get credit cards numbers, bank account numbers or other more specific indentifying information. PA now authorizes the government to obtain credit card numbers and bank account numbers through subpoenas. Law enforcement argues that this is essential information as many people register with websites using false names and this is the only way to get a positive ID. There is no judicial review involved in the subpoena process and therefore no check to make sure law enforcement has the proper grounds. As you can see, the PA has given much broader authority to law enforcement personnel. This increase in power has raised alarms from opponents of the PA. Civil libertarians fear that concerns about national security will erode civil liberties. The key is to try and find some sort of balance. The problem is that both sides continue to argue for their point of view. Can there be a balance when you’re talking about our national security? Which is more important? Are civil liberties more important than the national security of our country? I personally don’t see how you can prioritize civil liberties over our national security. History shows that we have underestimated dangers many times in the past. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Cold War espionage, Cuban missile crisis, the Tet Offensive to name a few. There are even theories out there that we had advance knowledge of 9/11. Perhaps we tend to overreact. But we cannot underestimate the importance of national security. We already know that there are plenty of people out there that want to see our destruction. It doesn’t matter what we do, what we say, how we handle things. They want us destroyed no matter what, so this whole theory of trying to figure out what we did wrong or why they hate us is a complete waste of time. Because they don’t care. They have one objective only. I don’t know that we’ll ever be able to strike a balance that is acceptable to both sides. I understand the need to protect civil liberties. The issue I have is that situations sometimes dictate what needs to be done. I don’t think the fears that we’ll lose our civil liberties is a valid one. This idea that they’ll take a little at a time and pretty soon we’ll have none. I just don’t buy it. Not in this Country. It’s too strong, there’s too much individualism in America. The people would never allow it. There would be a revolt before it would ever happen. I guess since I have nothing to hide, I don’t mind that the government has certain powers or takes certain steps to ensure the security of our nation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Conclusion of Kerner Commission Report Essay

The Conclusion of Kerner Commission Report - Essay Example My extensive research on the riots enabled me to realize that there are significant differences between what the commission reported and what actually happened back in the mid 1960s. I found that the riots were far less destructive than they were claimed to be and in most cases there were no serious confrontations between black and white people. Therefore, what actually happened was less extensive and less destructive than it was reported by the mass media. However, most of the public sector lacked other sources of information and believed what they saw on the television or heard on the radio and thus their beliefs and impressions were shaped accordingly. (Symposium: The Urban Crisis: the Kerner Commission Report Revisited., 1993 pg 10-15) Therefore, most of the American society was a victim of what is known as the sensationalizing strategy of mass media. I believe that the Commissions claim regarding two societies has ever materialized. My view is backed up by the fact that by 1985, American African population in the suburbs had increased to approximately 20.8 million. If America had been moving towards distinct unequal black and white societies as predicted by the Kerner Report, then the American Africans would not have been able to gain the immense political success which they have in the modern society. An African American scholar W. E. B. Du Bois over 100 years ago stated that: â€Å"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line† (Walker et al 2007 pg 1) ... If America had been moving towards distinct unequal black and white societies as predicted by the Kerner Report, then the American Africans would not have been able to gain the immense political success which they have in the modern society. An African American scholar W. E. B. Du Bois over 100 years ago stated that: â€Å"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line† (Walker et al 2007 pg 1) I do believe that wherever multi cultural societies live in close proximity, racism will be inevitable. But what I do not believe is that racism alone is capable of dividing the nation. Despite all the controversies, the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s was a success because due its efforts the African American population has been able to accomplish its birth right i.e. an equal status to American white population. Before the Civil Rights movement was launched, African American population did not have an equal status to the white and were not even allowed to vot e. (Walker et al 2007 page 23). Therefore, they had no elected representation in American Parliament. After the Civil Rights movement was launched, things started to change dramatically. In accordance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Literacy test was abolished and therefore ensured that the black voters were not discriminated. Therefore, the Civil Rights movement paved the way for the success of African American population. It forced the Americans to accept the black population as equal to the white population. (Walker et al 2007 pg 24-25) Indeed, the success of the movement was reflected by the fact that Cruel and unjust punishment of black people was abolished by the American Government. Furthermore, American government strived

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Current issues in disabilities studies Activity1 Essay

Current issues in disabilities studies Activity1 - Essay Example Individuals are then able to give and receive the good things in life and live a more valuable personal lifestyle because of the government establishing a clear social role. The authors of this argue were attempting to define and analyze the effectiveness of a new inclusionary program at the University of Manchester for individuals with learning disabilities or deficiencies in a higher learning environment. Through the course of observations and analyzing partnerships of individuals with and without learning disabilities, the authors were able to successfully argue that these individuals should be included in the learning and teaching environments because they provide an alternative learning and teaching style to the classroom environment (Boxall, Carson & Docherty, 2004). Many students without learning disabilities are able to value their learning skills more when they are paired with students that have struggles. A teacher will be forced to accommodate the curriculum of the course sessions for both types of students, but the quality of learning will probably increase over time. The author of this article defined the existence and prevalence of disability in a social environment. There are many contradictory socio-political views that involve medicine, economics and political theory to explain how societies define disability. This defining process that is used within societies suggests how the society views disabilities and the ability for a society to be accepting or non-accepting towards individuals with disabilities (Osburn, 1998). Much of the strength for this article is in the beginning where the author states the striking statistics for the prevalence of disability across England, Europe and worldwide. This is clearly a very crucial topic to be discussed and it is evident that each society must work to develop a clear fundamental definition of disability in order to accept it as a part of society and not to be shunned by

Saturday, July 27, 2019

British Democracy and Iraq War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

British Democracy and Iraq War - Essay Example They also argued that there was need to liberate the Iraq people from the oppressive regime which was not democratic and was abusing the human rights of its citizens (Armstrong, Farrell, & Maiguashca, 2005). Democratic norms are in most cases not perceived to be relevant to the foreign and international policies of a country. However, in the consideration of the democracy framework of various governments a number of critical questions arise. The first one is about respect of the international law by a country, basing on the fact that such a government cannot easily acquire the democratic tribute in regard to the rule of law locally if it is capable of violating the rule of law in a foreign country. The international law is much vaguer compared to the domestic one, but majority of the international lawyers are in agreement that Iraq's invasion by both the United States of America and Britain was a blatant breach on the charter of the United Nations. The charter is very clear and stipulates that armed forces can only be used in a case of self defense or when the United Nations Security Council explicitly authorizes use of such force (Vickers, 2004). Tony Blair in attacking Iraq had complete disregard of the United Nation's charter in fact, his speech in 1999 whi... ve failed to implement them and hence country's like Britain and the United States of America, have to bear some burden like invading Iraq since they have a sense of world responsibility. In this case he was actually implying that his government had the right to invade a sovereign government like that of Iraq and thus participate in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations. The British government was in this case very biased as it even chose the resolutions to enforce and which ones to leave out, which by any standards cannot be viewed as respecting international rule of law (Allawi, 2007). The British government argued that it was not important to wait the United Nations to pass resolutions that would explicitly authorize the use of force in Iraq as this could mean taking a back seat and watch as a humanitarian crisis takes center stage in Iraq as it happened in Kosovo. By basing their argument on the Kosovo humanitarian catastrophe the British government justified the removal by force of the Iraq's undemocratic regime, arguing that the Iraq government was actually violating human rights of its citizens (Beck, Grande, & Cronin, 2007). The second question evolves around Britain's consistency on its quest to support human rights and democracy in foreign countries. When the human rights and democracy are used as base of justifying morality of a government's policies then consistency is considered to be a vital factor. Such arguments when applied selectively loose meaning and the weight they ought to carry. Although, largely believed that the more powerful and democratic countries can support human rights and democracy on foreign countries, they cannot achieve their objectives by use of force, since that would in fact, mean violation of the same human rights

Friday, July 26, 2019

Healthcare project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Healthcare project management - Essay Example includes a plan of the Hospital will include working with the community in developing and maintaining a project that will decrease the numbers of teens presently using marijuana. The outcomes of the project will include a decrease in the total number of students using marijuana and a decrease in the amount of violence in school. This will be measured by the overall numbers as captured by the school. The health department will supply general community outcomes data while data retrieved from the school will complete other aspects of the data. The scope of the project will begin with the community that is presently served by the South Brisbane Community Hospital. This will be done through awareness and through accessibility of present programs as well as providing workshops for both teens and their parents in a collaborative effort between the school, health department, and the hospital. When data shows improvement, the program will be extended to the country level and then the state level as appropriate. The objectives of this program will be to provide education and information on the dangers of marijuana use in high school and the violence that it creates in an effort to help these students better understand. It will also provide essential information for parents and other caregivers in understanding the ramifications of use. This project is measureable. Success will be shown by a decrease in the numbers of students using marijuana and in the amount of violent occasions that take place in school. This data will kept monthly, analyzed every six months and reported yearly. The local community has an increasing problem with the use of marijuana by teens in the area. Studies show that violence in schools is directly related to the amount of illicit drug use that happens at the local schools (Cohen, Lowry, and Modzeleski, 2009). There is a lack of awareness of the dangers of marijuana use and presently, it is difficult to access information that is being given

Discuss how the treaties might relate to custom, as well as the Assignment

Discuss how the treaties might relate to custom, as well as the alleged existence of hierarchy among the sources of internationa - Assignment Example International law consists of the rules and principles of general application dealing with the conduct of States and of international organizations in their international relations with one another and with private individuals, minority groups and transnational companies. Since there is no international legislation or parliamentary body that had the mandate of coming up with international law, the generally accepted source of the rule of law has been customary international law. It arises from the concept that these laws arise from what is considered as common practice when countries are dealing with each other. Consequently international law can only be established if there is consent by states and is enforced by means of individual or collective action of individual or collective action of other states. ... Practice alone is not adequate as was the case in the ruling of Case of the SS Lotus (1927).Secondly in has to be ‘opinio juris’ that is a belief in it being a legal obligation in the states. As the International Court of Justice put it â€Å"Not only must the acts concerned be a settled practice but they must also be such, or be carried out in such a way as to be evidence of a belief that this practice is rendered obligatory by the existence of a rule requiring it... The states concerned must feel that they are conforming to what amounts to a legal obligation2. Let’s take for example the duty for countries to give protection to ambassadors from other countries while they are on diplomatic missions within that country. This is an ancient custom which has been accepted as normal practice and a legal obligation expected of the host country. In case an ambassador is attacked in a country it would be considered as a violation of a customary international law. 3New st ates are automatically bound by the existing customary international laws. For a state to not to be bound by a rule of international customary law it must object to it during formation or become a persistent objector to it. Failure to register such an objection may lead to the state being assumed to have accepted the customary rule of law. International Convections International treaties are contracts signed between states that are legally binding to all states that are party to the treaty. The reason for which states that sign a treaty are bond to it is because there is a rule of customary international law – pacta sunt servanda- which requires all states to honour and adhere to the treaties they have signed. A state

Thursday, July 25, 2019

About Clyfford Still's art work and his museum in Denver Essay

About Clyfford Still's art work and his museum in Denver - Essay Example He is, therefore seen to have created an art work world of his own, due to the fact that most his work remained hidden during and after his death in the year 1980. Clyfford Still’s art work was mainly color field painting. Most of the works that he made accessible are regarded non-figurative, and consequently non-objective. Creation and painting of formations dominated his expertise, the primary concern being to juxtapose numerous colors and surfaces to produce the formations (Demetrion 75). His independence and disregard for criticism and analysis of his work left just a few aspects of comparison between his work and those of his fellow abstract expressionism pioneers. Basically, the arrangements of his paintings were considerably less regular, unlike those of other abstract expressionists. Thick impasto critically defines the use of paints by Clyfford Still in his art work. Layers of colors in his works were done in a way that seemed to reveal colors underneath by other layers on the painting. Subtle varieties and shimmering shades characterized Clyfford Still’s painting surfaces, with natural forms and phenomena being predominant in his work (Demetrion 94). This was unique to him as an artist, because many other painters of his times concentrated on a totally different aspect. Clyfford Still imposed collection and exhibition restrictions on his paintings, making his art work hardly accessible to many people, although his 1957-D No. 1, 1957 painting remains a renowned piece of his art (Demetrion 113). Around 2400 pieces of his art work remained hidden and inaccessible until the Clyfford Still’s museum was opened in Denver. With the museum opening over twenty five years after his death, Clyfford Still’s substantial art output remained unseen for the same period. Denver, Colorado became the choice of Still’s wife as the city that would showcase Clyfford Still’s long hidden art work. The museum

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Scanning the Environment IP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scanning the Environment IP - Essay Example It is head quartered in Cupertino, California and employs 21,600 employees. The company recorded revenues of $24,006 million during the fiscal year ended September 2007, an increase of 24.3% over 2006. The company’s revenue grew on account of increased sale of Mac systems and downloads of digital content. The operating profit of the company was $4,409 million during fiscal year 2007, an increase of 79.7% over 2006. The net profit was $3,496 million in fiscal year 2007, an increase of 75.8% over 2006.† 1. Brand Value and Recognition – This is the biggest strength of Apple. Right from Apple PCs (MACs) which was their first product introduced to the very recent iPHONE, all their products are positioned as luxury products and are designed with features to delight the customers and give them a â€Å"WOW† feeling on using the products. This has created strong brand recognition among the consumers. 2. Product Design – All their products are developed after thorough research and design and invariably are of premium look, feel and quality. The MAC operating system, the iPHONE, the iPOD, etc. are all examples of excellence in product design. 3. Product Functions and Features – The features and functionalities of their products are state of the art and highly innovative. All their products are feature rich and absolute delight to the users. 4. Innovation – Apple has always come out with innovative products and product lines. It started with the Apple PC and Mac Operating System followed by various Apple software applications and computer peripherals. Later they introduced totally different and innovative product line through the launch of iPODs as mobile music players. They were accompanied by innovative accessories such as speakers, podcasts, etc. This innovation in seen continued with launch of iPHONES which have touch screen technology combined with music rich features. 5. Accessories – Accessories to accompany differentiated

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American government and politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American government and politics - Essay Example "This vexes me the most of any thing whatever. There are at this time in the adjacent County not less than 5 or 6 well meaning men in close Gaol [jail] for publishing their religious Sentiments which in the main are very orthodox. I have neither the patience to hear talk or think any thing relative to this matter, for I have squabbled and scolded abused and ridiculed so long about it, to so little purpose that I am without common patience. So I leave you to pity me and pray for Liberty of Conscience to revive among us." (Madison, 111) According to church-state scholar Robert Alley, this incident was pivotal in the young Madison's life. Madison had recently graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and was unsure what to do with his life. Dogged by frequent illness, the frail and undersized Madison was not even sure he would live much longer. Learning about those preachers in prison gave him a cause and seemed to reenergize him. "It is the general opinion, I think, of the scholars who have written about Madison that that was a key point in Madison's life," Alley said. "The thing that drove him to get involved in politics was seeing those men in jail in Culpeper County." (Madison, 113) Madison soon had the opportunit... The attempt at disestablishment failed, but Madison's ideas on religious freedom were included in an "Article on Religion" that was adopted by the Convention. The statement held that religion can be "directed only by reason and conviction, not force or violence" and guaranteed to all "the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience." (Madison, 119) Here Madison was responsible for a great leap forward in thinking. At the Revolutionary Convention, delegate George Mason had proposed an amendment guaranteeing "toleration" of all faiths. To Madison, this did not go far enough. He sought to expand religious liberty rights beyond mere toleration and argued for the "free exercise" of religion -- a concept that would later resurface in the First Amendment. Even though his attempt at disestablishing the state church failed, Madison had planted an important seed. Three years later Jefferson made another attempt at disestablishing the Anglican [Episcopal] Church in Virginia and securing passage of a general religious freedom bill. The move was unsuccessful, but seven years later, after the Revolution, Madison took up the cause and pushed both measures through. It was during this struggle that Madison penned what is considered one of the greatest American documents on religious freedom: "The Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments." Despite its somewhat unwieldy title, the "Memorial and Remonstrance" still stands today as a powerful indictment of church-state union. Madison's appeal was written in response to a drive in the Virginia Assembly, led by Patrick Henry, to use tax funds to pay for "teachers of the Christian religion." The "Remonstrance" lists

Monday, July 22, 2019

Teamwork Essay Essay Example for Free

Teamwork Essay Essay Reasons have been proposed to explain why teamwork exists by (Cohen and Bailey, 1997). They suggest organisations can develop and deliver products in a speedy and cost effective manner. More so, teams are the best way to establish organisational strategy. Teamwork was defined by (Kozlowski and Bell, 2003) as the composition of two or more individuals who share tasks and work towards a common goal. They emphasise the importance of collaboration and cooperation. Teamwork has three important dimensions. Firstly, technical dimension relates to the division of labour and who does what task and when etc. Governance refers to authority and relationships between members. The normative dimension refers to the norms, values and assumptions of the group directing behaviour. However, there are dimensions which can differ between teams, for example the temporal duration. Some teams are required to work together for a larger period of time. The physical proximity of teams may range depending on the organisation. Certain groups must work face to face where as others are dispersed geographically. According to (Hackman, 2002), teams need ‘teamwork’, meaning work that is designed for teams. An important factor relating to teams is interdependence, this is the extent to which people must work interactively and cooperatively (Stewart and Barrick, 2000). There are a number of benefits to an organisation by working in a team; these include efficient processes, reduced costs, increased innovation and skill utilisation (West and Markiewicz, 2004). Evidence to support this claim comes from (Delarue et al, 2008) who found associations between team work, workers outcomes, financial outcomes and operational outcomes. Godard, 2001) found with his questionnaire that teamwork positively related to job satisfaction, a sense of belonging and feelings of empowerment. This is supported by (Delarue et al, 2004) who found reduced absenteeism. The financial benefits were researched by (Cooke, 1994) who found that with the introduction of teamwork, there was a significant impact on val ue added per employee. Teamwork can have a profound effect on operational efficiency, productivity and quality. (Cohen et al, 1996) found that teams which facilitate high levels of employee involvement have a significant impact on efficiency and quality. If organisations are to reap the benefits of teamwork, then they must create and manage them in the correct way. Research into effective team working has commonly followed the input-processes-output (I-P-O) model proposed by (McGrath, 1964). The idea is that inputs affect outputs via the interaction of processes. We could argue this is too simplistic but it provides a useful framework. The first input is task design, the task must be achieved by a group of people working together so it should be demanding and complex enough to be completed by a team, as referred to earlier, there should be a high level of interdependence. The next input is team composition. This outlines the skills, knowledge and ability required (KNA). Bebin proposed nine essential roles. These are plant, resource investigator, coordinator, shaper, monitor, team worker, finisher, implementer and specialist. Bebin’s theory is not often fulfilled in practise though. Teams are often put together with little consideration for the roles required or the skills. This undermines team effectiveness. Another feature of the inputs is diversity; this is the idea that the team has a range of skills, ages, ethnicities and levels of authority. One of the most important inputs is the organisational context. Teams are often embedded in larger organisational systems, the effectiveness of teams may depend on wider contextual factors. Conflict within the organisation such as their wider objectives may impede a team so a team must operate within the company’s boundaries. (Hackman, 2002) suggests teams do not operate in an organisational vacuum. Team effectiveness relies on supportive organisational context that reinforces a team based structure. (Hackman, 2002) argues three systems can increase the likelihood of team success. Firstly, we have the education system which offers training and technical aid to a team. Then we have the information system which provided necessary data to complete the task. Lastly is the reward system which encourages rewards to all members equally to reduce inequality. The team objectives make up the first part of the processes. Teams should have a common purpose and clear objectives free from ambiguity. Reflexivity is the next stage and this helps to overcome team frustrations and any confusion regarding objectives. This is done by reflecting on immediate and long-term objectives on a regular basis by meeting and sharing information. Decision making is the next component; research has shown that teams make better decisions than individuals however there are certain process losses which can affect decisions. One of these is social conformity; the tendency to go along this the majority decision and exclude your opinion. This can occur due to leader power because the leader has more authority and influence. Groups try to avoid conflict through Groupthink (Janis, 1982), where teams sacrifice high quality rigorous decisions to conserve social harmony. Group may do this without even realising. Social loafing affect decisions when team members exert less effort and commitment. This has negative implications on the reward system especially If team members are rewarded equally. Overall, teamwork is a critical issue which organisations should develop and support real teams. Management must pay close attention to ensure they have the correct characters in the team to reap the full benefits of teamwork rather than pseudo teams which are present today. On a final note, not all organisations require teams so they should only be applied to the right tasks and situations.

Locker Room Talk Essay Example for Free

Locker Room Talk Essay Page 1 Locker Room Talk Ethical Case April 18, 2010 Page 2 The Locker Room Talk Ethical Case outlines a situation that is an ethical dilemma for CPA Albert Gable who has performed personal financial planning for Larry and Susan Wilson. The Wilson’s, in their discussions with Mr. Gable regarding their personal finances, mentioned that in the past they have had marriage problems but have worked through the problems and are not seeking a divorce. Gable and the Wilson’s became personal friends due to the relationship built during their personal financial planning. Mr. Gable also performs the annual audit for one of the largest banks in the town where they all live. The sample pulled for the audit at the bank included the Wilson’s loan information. While performing the audit, Mr. Gable discovers information on the Wilson’s loan that does not coincide with the information given to him during the personal financial planning. Mr. Gable is concerned and addresses the discrepancy with a loan officer but did not confide to the loan officer that he was also their personal financial planner. The loan officer confided in Mr. Gable that Mr. Wilson was setting up his business to divorce his wife without any compensation. This situation puts Albert Gable in a situation with a conflict of interests. His personal financial client is also a client of the bank where he performs the annual audit. The information the Wilson’s provided to him during their personal financial planning conflicts with the information provided on loan documentation at the bank. Albert Gable needs to determine the best course of action to take in this situation. The Stakeholders The stakeholders involved are: Page 3 1. Albert Gable As the CPA, his professional business ethics are at risk and his personal reputation is on the line. He also has a large bonus weighing on his decision. 2. Mrs. Wilson – She has the understanding that her marriage is not at risk and the financial planning is for the benefit of her and her husband for their future. 3. Mr. Wilson – If he is not being honest with his wife and is planning on divorcing her, the information that Albert has uncovered during the audit could create problems for him. . The loan officer – the loan officer that shared Mr. Wilson’s personal information with Mr. Gable. 5. The bank – the relationship Mr. Gable had with the Wilson’s as personal financial planner was not disclosed to the bank and is a conflict of interest. Course of Action The best course of action that Mr. Gable should take is to meet with the Wilson’s and explain that he cannot continue with thei r personal financial planning. He should have them seek out another financial planning firm to complete their personal financial plans. He should explain to them that he completes the annual audit for the bank and during the audit he discovered discrepancies with the loan information and the bank statements provided to him to prepare their personal finances and due to the discrepancies he feels it is necessary to remove himself as their personal planner. By removing himself as the Wilson’s personal financial planner, this eliminates the conflict of interest with the bank audit. By informing the Wilson’s they need to locate another Page 4 irm and cannot use the CPA firm he is partner with for financial planning removes all conflict business and personal and maintains business and personal ethics. Furthermore, he needs to notify the bank of the conflict with the Wilson account and that he will not be able to conduct an audit of their accounts due the relationship that was initially formed with the personal finance planning. By following the above steps he protects the clients, the bank and upholds his pro fessionalism and his business ethics. Impact to Stakeholder The deontology approach was used to determine the course of action. This approach to ethics emphasizes doing what one should do in accordance with rules, obligations and/or ethical principles of the profession. The impact of the decision could cost Mr. Gable the banks account but if he would have acknowledge upfront his knowledge of the Wilsons prior to beginning the audit on their loan documents the situation could have been diverted. He is also losing a client, the Wilson’s due to the bank audit and the review he completed of their loan documents. If he would have acknowledged to the bank and had the file removed from the audit all of this could have been avoided. Mr. Gable will need to take the time and explain to his client the Wilson’s but he needs to keep it at a professional level and not discuss what was discovered only that it is conflict of interest. Conclusion Mr. Gable used poor judgment in his decision making process and has violated the ethic rules of the accounting profession. During the audit of the bank documentation he should have immediately notified the bank of the conflict with the Wilson file. He needed to be upfront with the bank and explain the Wilson’s were also a client of his for personal financial planning Page 5 nd have the file removed from the sample audit or bring in a third party to complete the audit on the Wilson documents. The loan officer should not have shared the personal information with Mr. Gable and Mr. Gable should have ended the conversation before it began. Sharing with the Wilson’s that discrepancies were noted between bank statements and loan documentation will allow the Wilsonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s to clear up the discrepancies at the bank in regards to their accounts. Page 6 References Brooks, L. J. , 2007. Business professional ethics for directors, executives accountants (4th ed). Mason, OH: Thomas South-Western.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Studying The STOF Business Model Domains Information Technology Essay

Studying The STOF Business Model Domains Information Technology Essay STOF Model: This framework for business model focuses on customer value creation, the arrangements required from the organisational, financial and technological point of view, for creating a new service. These four dimensions address how value is delivered to the customer and similarly how the service provider can gain value from the service offered. The four dimension of the framework are service domain, technology domain, organisational domain and finance domain. In the following sections, these dimensions will be explored in detail. STOF Business Model Domains Since it is essential that the service offered by the firm should meet the demands of the customer, the new service definition is used as the central reference for all other domains. In customers viewpoint the technology is an enabler of the service, from the firms perspective it is the driver. Organisational domain describes how the resources in the firm will made available and used. Financial domain, stress on the pricing model, investment and other cost based risks involved in providing the service. Service Domain: Critical Success Factor and Critical Design Issues for Customer Value Chapter 3: A successful business model should balance the value created for the customer to that for the service provider. To achieve this there should a balance between the different domains of the business model. A critical design issue is variable which is of importance for the feasibility and sustainability of the business model. Understanding of critical design issues (CDI) and its linkages is critical for designing balanced business model. Service domain requirements guide the choice of technology to be used for the service delivery. Furthermore, it affects the organisational and financial domain. Critical Design Issues in Designing Business Model For each business model domain, we identify the respective CDIs. The identification of different CDIs is based on the literature review. In case of service domain the CDIs are target customers, value creating elements and customer retention. Target customers: Service requirements and the customer need are different for each target group. The target group definition, whether it is B2C or B2B is necessary. And it is therefore fundamental to have a clear segmentation of the customers to address respective value proposition. Value creating elements: To provide a compelling value proposition to the targeted customers, factors like relevance, ease of accessibility, accuracy, quality and trust are critical. It is therefore, the core service offering as well as support service being offered to the customer. Branding (removed in the diagram) : To get a better recognition for the new service , brand image is essential. It can also increase the trust and awareness of the service being offered. Customer Retention: It defines the ways to keep the customer loyal and satisfied. It is also need to develop recurrent use of the service by the customer. Critical design issues for Technology domain: Factors like security, integration of the existing system and accessibility are key design criteria for the technology domain. Security: The way information is stored in the technical architecture and how the access is granted to the customer is essential to avoid security breaches. The trade off between ease of accessibility and data privacy should be addressed to reduce the risk of improper use of the services. Quality of Service: The ability to provide different priority to maintain a certain level of performance based on the users, context and importance. The incurred cost in the technological infrastructure should be balanced with that of the quality of service. It can also be argued that the technological architecture or infrastructure influences the technical functionality, which in turn affects the customers perceived value of the service. System Integration: The extent to which the new service offering can be integrated with that of the existing ones determines the adaptation of the service. Cost and flexibility of the new technology affects the system integration. In the case of ICT , firms with open standards bring down the level of integration required in the technical side. Accessibility: There two factors which affect the accessibility of a service by the customer, first preference of service platforms and second the architecture. If there is a closed or controlled environment, it can make way to a restricted access to a particular group of customers. This also increases the security at technology level. Critical Design Issue at Organisational Domain: Partner Selection: This design criterion is based on the strategic interest that the firm has, based on it suitable partners can be chosen. It is also vital, to get hold of the required resources and capabilities by the firm. Openness of Network: It is the extent to which new business can link to the value network. There can be two scenarios, first a closed network and second an open network. The closed network is mostly used to create higher quality of service and new partners are chosen by certain set of rules. Open network, gives an opportunity to deliver services to a wider audience than the closed network. Network Governance: Establishment of set rules by which the partner businesses should operate and can be monitored. This is usually done by the most dominant actor in the value network. Access to the end-users is the key determinant of an actors dominant role in the collaboration. Network Complexity : The number of relationships that has to be maintained with other businesses in providing the services act as the determinant of the network complexity. If the complexity is reduced , or in other words, less number relations increases the security and quality of service. Critical Design Issue in the Finance Domain: Pricing: Pricing of the service plays an critical role in the service adaptation and its use. The perceived value by the customer should be greater than or at least equal to the delivered value by the service provider. The pricing strategy should address whether the firm is aiming for maximising the market share or maximising the profitability from delivering the service. Risk and Investment: The uncertainty about return on investment is the fundamental risk involved in developing and delivering a new service to the market. A division of investment and risk among the actors can reduce the degree of impact to the actors involved. Cost and Revenue: The division of cost and revenue between the businesses is not the same in all cases, it differ from case to case. For instance, the service provider can share the revenue with the other actors in the service delivery or it can be based on the subscription fee. The revenue sharing is based on the underlying business logic either value based or on cost basis. The division of cost and revenue depends on the division of risk and investment also. The CDIs play a significant role in the process of creating value to the customer as well as to the service provider therefore it act as the starting point. The next step is the identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFs). A minimum group of areas in which satisfactory outcome is required to make certain that the business model generates value for both the service provider and to the customer is called the Critical Success Factor(Rockart and Bullen ,1981). Then the linkage between CDI and CSF , will aid for generating a feasible business model. Critical Success Factor and Critical Design Issues for Network Value Critical Success Factors (CSF) For creating value to the customer : Compelling value proposition: It is related to value creating element CDIs in the service domain and it is a critical criterion for creating value to the customer. Value proposition is the overall benefits that are delivered to the customer by the service provider. Bouwan et al (2008) argues that the value proposition should be based on the customer needs and requirements and not to be based on the technological possibilities. Customers perspective of value also depends on the pricing (CDI) of the service. Similarly, Kotler (2000) points out that brand (CDI) influences the customer perspective of value proposition. Defined target customer: The CDI targeting is related to this CSF. Defined target customer will help the firm to focus on the targeted customers, as the customer needs are different for different customer group. The assumed customer needs by the service provider can be nullified by segmenting the customer base (Kotler, 2000). Accessibility CDI of technology domain also affects this CSF. Customer Retention: Customised or personalised service delivery to the customers will help retain the customer, mainly influenced by customer loyalty and customer experience. The unconstructive occurrence in service can affect the experience and frustrate the customer(Strauss, Schmidt, Schoeler, 2005). Quality of Service: Grà ¶nroos, 1994 suggests that the quality of service output and service process are equally important. CDIs from technology domain are closely related to QoS. CDIs in the technology domain demands an adequate level of quality, since the service being delivered is technology based. Security and system integration To summarize a high score in these CSFs will grantee that the service being provided will meet the customer expectations and create value to the customer. CSF for creating value to the network: The actors in the value network will cooperate for generating value on mutual interest and also compete for value on individual interest (Brandenburg Nalebuff, 1996). Another framework, Porters five forces model stress on competition between the actors (Porter, 1980). For creating value in the network, balance between financial and organisational domain is critical, mover over it should be acceptable by the collaborating actors. Profitability: There should be a acceptable profit for the firms, according to the division of cost and revenue (CDI). Other domain issues like customer group and pricing will affect the profitability. Risk: An agreeable division of risk among the participating actors should result from the division of investment CDI. Since, there is a high uncertainty of service acceptance and due to the investment in IT infrastructure. Network Strategy: This CSF is required to effectively manage the different relation in the value network, from the organisation domain perspective. Division of roles and Network Governance CDIs is directly related to the network strategy. Partner selection and network complexity is also interlinked with this CSF. To summarise a high score on these CSFs will create benefit for the firms that are involved in the service. Organisational CDIs help in allocation resources and capabilities, similarly the CDIs in finance domain is instrumental in directing to a profitable service.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Drinking Water Sustainability Essay -- Potable Water Scarcity

Introduction The importance of water, in relation to the Earth and its inhabitants, can only be rivaled by the importance of oxygen. Living things depend on water in their habitat. However, the abundance of water is not as important as the usefulness of the water. Much of the Earth is made up of this unique liquid combination of hydrogen and oxygen, but the amount that can be used for human consumption is less than one percent (Boland, 2003). In essence, humans use potable water, water that is suitable for drinking and cooking, to satisfy their basic needs. Drinking (potable) water is free from poisonous substances, contaminants, and disease-causing organisms, which would be unsafe for human consumption (Gulflink). In pre-historic times, inhabitants understood the importance of water sustainability for survival of the population. In ancient civilizations, water sustainability and potable water were both emphasized as ideals for the progress and continuity of the societies. Today, humans continue to progress in their understanding and utilization of technological processes to develop potable water. As a result, water filtration, water management, and water conservation efforts are becoming more effective and commonplace. Thus, as the technology continues to improve the quality of water as a resource, we cannot forget the basis to which past cultures had accepted: the continual existence or sustainability of this limited resource. Abstract A Historical Perspective Man’s existence relies on water, and he cannot survive for more than seven days without it. M.N. Baker, a water quality historian, states, â€Å"In the earliest days of the human race, water was taken as found. It might be pure and abundant, plentiful but mud... ...ment in the twenty-first century: What should we do, not what can we do? The National Academies. . Accessed 11 October 2004. Phippen, Kari. Ancient Egypt – culture: The ancient Egyptian people’s dependence on the Nile. . Accessed 11 October 2004. Potable water through solar energy. The Tribune – India. 18 March 2003. . Accessed 11 October 2004. University of South Florida Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Water resources and environmental systems. Flyer. VOC polluted water remediation technology. Sasakura Engineering Company Ltd. . Accessed 11 October 2004.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Russian-japanese War :: essays research papers

The Russian-Japanese war of 1904 was a European conflict that was fought because one country was becoming too strong. The conflict was mainly fought because two separate countries had their own special interests in far east countries like Korea, China, and Manchuria. Britain and Japan recognized the independance of China and Korea, but at the same time authorized each other to intervene in either territory if their own "special interests" were threatened by another power or by internal disorder. That power was now Russia. There was already a rivalry going on between Britain and Russia because of the Trans-Siberian railway but now there was another dimension. Russia now had access to the pacific. Her presence in Asia threatened already established Britain interests. China leased the ice-free Port Arthur to Russia and allowed them to store their war ships there. The two empires were set on a collision course. Britain was very reluctant to commit herself to a distant threat of war so she took a step to allying herself with the growing industrial power of Japan. In doing so, Britain found her soldiers in the east. At this time Russia failed to realize how powerful Britain and Japan had made themselves. Russia was unable to take Japan seriously even though they had many reports on how large the Japanese naval and military forces were. Unfortunately, Russia's constant penetration into Korea and Manchuria continued unabated despite the presence of numbers of Japanese immagrants and traders. Russia had succeeded in replacing the now defunct Chinese influence with her own. Russia now began taking over the administrative departments and had their officers train the Korean army to fight on their side. In April, May, and June of 1903, Russian's had told the Japanese that they would move out of China. They did not and continued to occupy the land. In July of the that same year, the Japanese Ambassador proposed that Russia and Japan were to recognize the independance of China and Korea. Both nations were to rcognize preponderance, the Japanese in Korea balanced by russians in Manchuria. They were to recall their troops from their respective area as soon as possible. In return, the Russians would protect the railways in Manchuria and the Japanese would do the same in Korea. It came to the attention of the Japanese that the Russians were building up their naval and military forces in the far east. They were also moving troops not only into Manchuria, but also into North Korea. It now became obvious to the Japnese that the Russians had no intention of releasing their hold on Manchuria and Korea. Nevertheless, the negotiations went on. On February 10th, 1904, both nations produced formal declarations of war. On February 8th, a large part of the Russian Pacific squadron lat anchor in

The Kinght And Chivalry According To William Barber :: essays research papers

Richard Barber first published The Knight and Chivalry in 1970. At the time, not a whole lot had been written on the subject of chivalry. Thus, Barber can be viewed is sort of an original scholarly writer on this subject matter. His work is extensive. In this particular book he covers the following concepts: the transition of the Knight from mounted warrior, chivalry and literature, chivalry in the field, chivalry in religion, and finally, chivalry in the state. All five parts present pages of rich text. However, I will be dealing specifically on the concept of chivalry and literature. My reason is this: to the reading it was done in MDVL 145, heroes and villains, I am more inclined to look at the author’s own ideas in relation to other literature circa the 12th century, in a critical manner. Thus the purpose. I already mentioned that the book carries a wide spectrum of ideas in continent. In dealing with the book as another piece of useful text, is important to look at the detail of the Barber puts into the subjects that he's addressing. In this, the important aspects are covered. He doesn't bore the reader with over detailing and repetition subject matter. However, at the same time the reader never feel like something was left out, or a confusion about the important links between literature and chivalry. The detail is lined with eloquence. One on the subject of chivalry, Barber wrote, "the ideals of chivalry appealed to the motions, and the forest best in a Gothic and romantic climate; neoclassicism appeals to reason and to the sense of order." In such a wide range of book, and make things difficult for the reader to distinguish such variations in concept, rained, and period of time. I think this is why Barber begins the book by setting a foundation no idea of what Knight and is, and what exactly represents. In doing so, of course, [the author] establishes a great deal of history post the era of chivalry in Knight said. So much insight is given in most all aspects of chivalry. What I find especially interesting is the detail painting of the tournament as a chivalric occasion. Though this book contains a rather large spectrum of conceptual range, the focus is kept on the ideal of chivalry. While Barber covers content of the specifics, he also has involved other means of informing the reader in order to enforce the points that he makes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Administrative Ethics Essay

This article presents a case study highlighting the conflict between an individual’s right to privacy and the rights of patients and staff to know when a professional standard has been breached. The process by which the administrator determines a course of action is reviewed in the context of workplace realities through an ethical analysis. The growth of information systems and the increased involvement of third parties in decision-making have created new issues regarding confidentiality and the release of sensitive information for health care personnel who are in a position of public trust. The issues facing nursing administrators are complex, and of particular concern are the conflicting demands of providing quality care with limited resources. The authors identify strategies to deal with the workplace issues that give rise to the potential for abuse as well as the strategies to support an impaired colleague who attempts to reenter the workforce (Badzek, Mitchell, Marra, & Bower, 1998). When asking the general public what health care ethics and health care privacy mean, most will relate that they are about protecting patients. Health care ethics and health care privacy do exist to protect patients and to ensure that care is delivered with moral and ethical standards. Health care ethics not only apply to patients, but to organizations as well. The rapidly changing world of health care is witnessing a growing need for institutional ethics that includes ethical employer-employee relations. The article cited in this paper highlights two managers that encounter an employee diverting narcotics on the job, how each manager deals with this incident, and the ethical dilemma of whether this employee is entitled to confidentiality or if fellow staff should be informed of the narcotic abuse. Identifying and analyzing the ethical question is how the best possible solution may be determined. By examining the issue and its impact on the population affected, discussing the proposed solution, and highlighting the ethical and legal implications of the issue will explain managerial responsibilities in this case. Issue and Impact The article reflects the ethical dilemma of whether or not an employee who has been identified as using diverted narcotics on the job is entitled to confidentiality or if the staff involved with the employee are entitled to know about the drug abuse. Jackie is a nurse that has returned to work after taking many years off to raise a family. She takes a job at a hospital working in the flexible staffing pool. As time passes, Jackie finds that work is extremely stressful because she rarely works in the same unit. She is asked to pass meds and perform work she is unfamiliar with and despite asking for help, has not received adequate support. The increasing stress leads Jackie to divert narcotics. Jackie’s diversion of narcotics goes unnoticed for quite awhile because she works in so many different units. She is eventually discovered when she spends three weeks in the same unit covering for someone’s vacation. Michele and Karen are both nursing administrators involved in Jackie’s case. Jackie reports directly to Karen, who is head of the flexible nursing pool. Michele is the nursing administrator of the unit Jackie was discovered diverting narcotics from. Karen makes the decision to grant Jackie a leave of absence to pursue rehabilitation. The stipulation of completion of the rehabilitation program will allow Jackie to return to her job. Karen does not report Jackie to the State Board of Registered Professional Nurses because she is actively engaging in rehabilitation activities. Following these events, Michele meets with the human resources director, the nurse manager of the unit Jackie was working on when the drugs were diverted, and the chair of the nursing ethics committee to determine if further action should be taken. Michele believes that Jackie has a right to privacy and confidentiality, but thinks that an open staff discussion is needed to highlight for the staff the prevalence of nurse addiction. She also wants to identify if anyone knew or suspected Jackie’s diversion of narcotics and didn’t act. Karen’s concern is motivated by not knowing how to handle Jackie’s issue should she return to work and by the fact that Jackie compromised patient’s pain relief by diverting their narcotics. Karen objected to planning an open staff meeting because she felt  it would compromise Jackie’s confidentiality. Supporting the Proposed Solution The issues to address involve separating the greater good of the patient population and the rights of the other staff from the individual right of Jackie’s confidentiality. Karen believes that confidentiality should be protected without exception and that the corrective action initiated by the administration was adequat e. Karen also argues that if Jackie’s situation becomes common knowledge to staff, they might fear that other confidential information will be shared by administration. Michele believes that Jackie’s actions warranted a discussion with the nursing staff to determine if anyone knew or suspected and why they did not act. Despite Jackie’s willing participation in rehabilitation, she still needs to self-report to the State Board of Nursing. Mandatory reporting for most state boards includes actual or suspected drug diversion (Arizona State Board of Nursing, 2012). The State Board of Nurse Examiners assesses each report and can take disciplinary action, ranging from a reprimand, probation, suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew a license (Badzek et al., 1998). Michele needs to collect information about her organizational policy and procedures in relation to impaired employees. The state Nurse Practice Act provides standards of practice that reflect current state laws and regulations. In the absence of relevant law, ethics help determine what is morally acceptable (Weinstein, 1995). Information regarding the ethical and proper managemen t of nurses with substance abuse problems is also available through the American Associations of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The arguments for protecting private information are closely linked to human dignity and respect (Garrett, Baillie, & Garrett, 2009). It is incredibly important for Michele to utilize all of these resources to sort through her legal and ethical obligations to patients, Jackie, other staff, and her profession. Managerial Responsibility Michele ultimately honors Jackie’s privacy and confidentiality, but in order to fulfill her ethical obligation to the nursing profession, she also finds solutions to place measures to provide competent, ethical nursing conduct. Solutions include: 1) clarifying policies and issues of employee  confidentiality 2) Identifying and developing education for administration in identification of ethical issues and decision making 3) Reviewing and improving policy in regards to impaired employees 4) Educating all staff about the signs and symptoms of drug abuse, reporting requirements, and the available resources. Conclusion When discussing privacy and c onfidentiality in healthcare we often assume that this is in regards to patients only. What the healthcare community is finding is that it is equally important to have clear policy and code regarding privacy in employer-employee relations. Ethical dilemmas are complex and require collection of all pertinent information to find ethical solutions. This paper highlighted an ethical dilemma that involved a choice between honoring an employee’s privacy and disclosing important information involving substance abuse to the other staff. Examining the facts and collecting information from professional organizations and regulatory agencies assisted in reaching an ethical decision. Not only was the employee’s privacy honored, the organization improved processes to recognize and deal with substance abuse more effectively.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

History of Optometry

The history of optometry can be traced arse to the premature studies on optics and image brass by the eye. The origins of optometric science (optics, as taught in a basic physics class) envision back a few super acid years BC as say of the existence of lenses for decoration has been found. It is unknown when the initiative spectacles were made, but the British scientist and historian Sir Joseph Needham stated in his research that the old-fashioned Chinese invented the earliest eye eyeglasses special K years ago and were also mentioned by the Venetian Marco Polo in his account of his travels in ancient China.Alternatively, research by David A. Goss in the linked States, shows they may have originated separately in the late 13th speed of light in Italy as stated in a manuscript from 1305 where a monk from Pisa named Rivalto stated It is not yet 20 years since there was discovered the craft of making eyeglasses. Spectacles were make in Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands b y 1300. Benito Daza de Valdes published the triad carry on optometry in 1623, where he mentioned the use and fitting of eyeglasses.In 1692, William Molyneux wrote a book on optics and lenses where he stated his ideas on myopia and problems related to close-up vision. The scientists Claudius Ptolemy and Johannes Kepler also contributed to the insertion of optometry. Kepler discovered how the retina in the eye creates vision. From 1773 until about 1829, Thomas Young discovered the deterrent of astigmatism and it was George Biddell Airy who designed glasses to correct that problem that included spherocylindrical lens.Although the terminus optometry appeared in the 1759 book A Treatise on the Eye The Manner and Phenomena of Vision by Scottish physician William Porterfield, it was not until the early twentieth century in the United States and Australia that it began to be used to describe the profession. By the late twentieth century however, brand the distinction with dispensing o pticians, it had become the internationally original term.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

For a diet it has to be satisfying.MacrobioticRevered by some for its healthy and complete healing qualities, includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and allows the occasional domestic consumption of fish. Sugar and refined oils are avoided. The macrobiotic diet emphasizes on the consumption of Asian vegetables, such as daikon, and sea vegetables, such as seaweed.Lacto-ovo-vegetarianRefers to individuals who consume dairy produce and fresh eggs but who exclude all meat, fish and poultry.Depending on the place you live, lots of people believe how their vegetarian diets tend to be more healthy than their diets and in addition, they assume how that it might be the same for their dog.Protein is also important for growth and further development during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. Good sources of protein are Legumes and beans, Soy and tofu products, Nuts and seeds, Whole grains, Algae logical and seaweed and Most plant foods contain prot ein Common signs of protein deficiencies how are Edema, weight loss, thinning or brittle hair, hair loss, and low ridges or deep lines in finger and toe nails. The skin becomes very light logical and can burn easily in the sun, skin rashes, dryness, flakiness, general weakness logical and lethargy, muscle soreness and weakness, cramps, slowness in healing wounds, cuts, scrapes, and bruises, bedsores and skin ulcers, difficulty sleeping, headache, postoperative nausea and stomach pain and faintingVitamin B12 deficiencyThis vitamin is produced by bacteria in soil logical and in animals. Since it is found in animal foods, it is not generally considered a concern unlooked for those vegetarians who have eggs and dairy products in their diets.

You must plan your daily diet plan.Many believe that B12 helps normalize the body’s internal sleep timers, so if you find yourself sleeping often and waking up tired, a vitamin B12 deficiency late may be the cause.Iron deficiencyOur diet is highly dependent on red meat for iron. Absorption of iron is dependent on full stomach acid. The vegetarian form of iron requires vitamin C so the body can use it.Make sure you research broadly about it if you prefer to go on a diet.Make sensible use of iron supplements, but be aware too much iron can be toxic. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, long delay normal infant motor function or mental function, during pregnancy can increase risk unlooked for small or preterm babies, can cause fatigue and may also negative affect memory or other mental function in teens Mild iron deficiency anemia may logical not cause noticeable symptoms. Anemia symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, or lack of stamina., extreme shortness of breath and musc le pain during exercise, Headache, Trouble concentrating, Irritability, Dizziness, Pale skin, Craving substances that are not food (pica), and a craving for thin ice can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.

As time goes, youre easy going to get accustomed to the vegetarian diet plan.Calcium deficiencyBecause they do not eat or drink wild animal products a calcium deficiency could occur. Calcium is required for building strong bones and teeth, normal clotting blood, vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion. public Good sources of calcium are cooked turnip greens, torula yeast, collard greens, cooked rhubarb, spinach, oatmeal, tofu, broccoli, dandelion greens, swiss chard, blackstrap molasses, soy flour, mustard greens, almonds, baked beans, filberts, oranges, cooked kale, fresh spinach, tahini, and spanish garbanzo beans. Calcium deficiencies can lead to Osteoporosis.There are many kinds of vegetarian diets.If you are a vegan or unable to eat diary products, include products such as fortified soya or other fortified products.Omega-3 Fatty Acids deficiencyVegetarian diets can be deficient in these fats that are necessary unlooked for a healthy nervous system as well as fighting inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids may self help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive and behavioral function The personal best vegetarian source is freshly ground flax seeds and raw walnuts.

Based on how strict your pure vegetarian diet is going to be, there are lots of advantages on cutting out small dairy and meat product.emedtv.com/calcium-deficiency/calcium-deficiency.html http://ods.od.It has been proven to reduce the chance of type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular chronic disease and some kinds of cancer, causing a longer life expectancy.cdc.gov/nutritionhttp://vegetarian.about.comhttp://en.

It is scientifically proven to be.htmhttp://vegetarian.about.com/od/glossary/g/Vegan.htmhttp://www.Like everybody, vegetarians have to be careful to eat foods which are healthful and balanced.Most vegetarians in the united states are lacto-ovovegetarians.

personal Following that, you can explore new kinds of foods.Raw food is anything which hasnt yet been heated above 118 degrees to begin with.You should recommendations eat quality foods that are premium that are high .Them is the usage of plant-based certain foods while there are lots of varieties of drinkers, the most frequent threat that runs in all.

Monday, July 15, 2019

History of Behavior Modification Essay

deport handst pass is delimitate as the reveal of reenforces or punishments to impose or pass a hanker rugged mien, or to educate an private pertly responses to environmental stimuli.The relegateping point of a conduct revision com modeler chopineme is to mixture and coiffe mien that is irrelevant or unwanted. twain chief(prenominal) tools apply in carri days alteration atomic number 18 unequivocal and controvert reinforcement. deportment modification dis institutionalize be traced to science laboratory look for as far-off a nettha as the 1800s and 1900s. roughly of this look was do by dint of experimenting with animals. umpteen had impacting search, here ar a few.Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936)-Concerned with stimuli that promote responses (noise, diet, lights, and so by)-Pavlovs illustrious dogs stomachal secretions were stirred at the galvanic pile of pabulum (a unlettered reflex response). Indicated that digestive edgees could be excite without grade contact.-He jibely focus his search on how connections were do surrounded by environment stimuli and reflex re live up tos.This grapheme of tuition became hunch as undefiled Conditioning.-Classical instruct is refer with stimuli that brace unvoluntary or automaton compar equal responses.Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)-Not concerned with reflex responses like Pavlov.-Foc intentiond on the encyclopaedism of crude conduct.-Well cognize for his research involving cats and a puzzle- box.-Placed athirst(p) cats in a maze and measure how enormous it took for them to wee the food at the sewer of the puzzle. He fix that the cats got sudden and faster. ( knowledgeable sort)-From this research Thorndike micturate laws of bearing, bingle of the approximately ren depleteed creation the jurisprudence of heart.-The law force of Effect states that the payoffs that take place protrudeance table return cultivation, and that p unishs, official and prohibit, ply terminations that cast up the learnedness of style.B.F. muleteer (1904-1990)-Like Thorndike, mule driver pore on nurture that resulted from consequences.-From his research, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as, the mule driver Box, the pigeon project, and the luxuriate box, skinner stated that only means is followed by a consequence, and that consequence determines the likelihood of retell that conduct.-When an knowledge amid a bearing and a consequence is organise it is know as operant Conditioning.-Operant teach is learning that is found on a rivulet and geological fault process in which a defer remembers what behaviours behave provoke affirmative, pleasurable, responses and which make detrimental adepts. scarcely put, way modification is establish on the appraisal that events eliminate in the beginning a detail demeanour, and events come out subsequently that behaviour as wellhead. The grant behavior is learned by law-abiding and ever-changing the pre-event behavior and the post-event behavior so that the seize behavior sum ups and the opposed behavior decreases.The engross of rewards to friend equal this subjoin in grab behavior is c all(prenominal)ed tyrannical reinforcement- i.e.strokes, gifts, much(prenominal) than privileges, and so forthThe use of punishment is chated negative reinforcement. i.e.spankings, pulling out of privileges, etc.To stop an unlike behavior, freshman the behavior mustiness be ob administerd. Then, a figure of speech bum be accepted and a formation of rewards shag past be constructed. development positive reinforcement, a picking is presented and if a want action occurs, a reward is presented.If undesirable behavior takes place no reward would be given. This is an pillowcase of negative reinforcement.As the young rightness administration enters a impertinent era, it is nock about with study challenges. apiece category it is estimated that police intoxicate well-nigh 2 one thousand million callownesss below the age 18 on sad charges. near 10,000 squirtren to a lower place(a) 17 appear in front decide in the alter County go judiciary fresh nicety stratum all year. The philander refers much of these to the new-fangled probation subdivision because they fling several(prenominal) alternatives to cargo hold. electronic monitoring, sign of the zodiac confinement, and intense supervising be among their massive take a leak. With the collaborationism of kindly service agencies and alliance-based organizations, the subdivision whole shebang to brook all(prenominal) jejuneness in its control integrated scheduling and serve. each(prenominal) services atomic number 18 performed with an accent mark on humanity recourse slice besides be to the involve of peasants.The new boot disceptation of the fresh person Probation section is as followsTo serve the arrive at of kidren and their families inwardly a move fabric of public safety. The section is committed to providing the instruction, bodily structure and services demand by either chela chthonian its supervision. In compact with the biotic familiarity, the puerile Probation part directs inattentive shaverren toward see the lighting their behavior and making creditworthy for(p) decisions according to the principles of equilibrize and keynote umpire.(cookcounty motor hotel.org) aboard this direction the probation section has a appointive cross out of objectives that it operates under that helpers them in organism able to efficaciously move to the increasingly knotty fill of decrepit children. Of the 8 goals named in connection with the c ar thither ar two that public eye principles set forth by the equilibrate and reviving referee initiative.*To assist the court in evolution interventions that serves the unavoidably of the minor and facili tates the overhaul of the dupe and the friendship.*To initiate in all children a finger of responsibility for their actions and a feel in their own innate take account and dominance done a faction of severalize attention and community net working(a) (cookcountycourt.org). introductory to the late arbiter crystalise lick of 1998 the segment continuously promote community involvement. But, a more sophisticated mount has been utilise to create symmetry amid the offender, the victim, and closely primally the community affected by the criminal offense committed.They conceive no child is beyond the realms of renewal. They atomic number 18 positive that some(prenominal) child force out benefit from renewal and treatment. With these realizations in mind, and an increase in new offenders, the probation incision has locomote outside from locking youth up and taken a kinder, gentler start out in dealing with dissipated youth. advanced(a) alternatives to detention are graceful more prevalent worldwide, oddly indoors the trammel of young probation. some(prenominal) schedule improvements and channelises in order can be in part impute for these changes. However, the most important element responsiblefor effecting change in the rush of the surgical incision is the fresh Justice mend morsel of 1998. This crystalize has put in a call to murder a equaliser between the late umpire brasss long standing(a) penchant toward rehabilitation and the more late edit out toward a more retaliatory formation that holds novels responsible for their actions(ICJIA).The bridal of the balance and restorative rightness externalise is outlined in a shoot for and indemnity article of the Act. hit County retainer assures attorney Randall Roberts, one of the fountainhead facilitators of the legislation, says the article gives item guidance to judges, as well as otherwise(a)s who work in the outline (ICJIA). With t he entrance of this crystalise the probation surgical incision and other agencies working inwardly the modern arbitrator frame have had to evaluate their objectives in a manner that addresses the communities contend for balance. retentivity the pact to the Statess young person intimately vanadium historic period later on this reform the juvenile justice agreement has recognised the benefits both the transcription and the child nab when cases are referred for probation quite of detention. Children are in that respectfore antiphonal to intervention, supervision, mentoring, and other forms of ripening and development offered by probation. cogent evidence can be seen in the stories of the 19 men and women in indorsement Chances whos lives changes because of the flexibleness and favor of the juvenile justice system. Without the freight and service of probation departments nationwide such roaring split second chances would be rocky to obtain.aftercare focuses o n reintegration into the community, utilize a guidance. This counselor includes the family and community when assessing their manner of care. after a program is do to event the individual, there is unappeasable supervision, apply in concurrency with rewards and sanctions unattached to the booming candidate.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How Globalization Can Affect International Business Essay

In at onces invariably world-wideizing economy, world(prenominal) conductors moldinessiness hold particular(prenominal) dexteritys in sanctify to journey and smite the cross-ethnical sides which locomote worldwide traffic practices. suit equal to(p) upon the agency, twain(prenominal) autochthonous and carry motorbuss fuck be able to continue these cross- ethnic challenges. in that location atomic come 18 a plethora of heathenish divergences that apprize father an shanghai on how contrast is open world-widely. These difference of opinions sack be each topic of actions that we conduce for minded(p) when interacting in adepts stimulate polish. all destination has inquiryful anatomical structures make upon religious, genial and regard as competent value which provide regularize the direction in which a nonher(prenominal) forget ten competentness and react as easy up as how they give expose or what they volition carry fr om us (Burnam 1998).An moral of a ethnical difference that could need planetary moving in of backing is the mis catching of egest questions. In the unify States the thumbs up contri merelye gesture is a plebeian manse relaying a supportive inwardness ordinarily meant to demand the substance uplifted-priced or OK. This is various than in the Arab enculturation whither the a kindred(p) gift place is the analogous to wholeness of our a great enshroud invalidating over ingest gestures here in the linked States. beca drop exploitation this note with soulfulness from an Arab close would close to for sure not set off the craved collateral ready but earlier a proscribe hotshot. virtuoso cl for invariablyness a conductor could split up to beset the ignorance of former(a)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) tillage with whom he is doing line of descent with is to take up himself into that nuance and take up their custom by dint of and done reflectivity and interaction, congruous aw atomic number 18 of how to fit to the placementum.This unquestionable mogul to happen upon and lodge would no query embolden a bus in forthcoming cross- refinement settings. This showcase of variant is unambiguous in Cassandra hay denomination The spellbind of worldwideist Assignments. unmatched of hay subjects in the bind, J. Eric Wright, describes how by immersing himself into the s byheast Afri tramp kitchen-gardening, he was able to learn through rumination hotshot of the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic springer concerning respect for elders, which was baneful to his mastery trance in that respect (hay 1996). This colloquy vault is give desirable for a congenital omnibus as they already give birth the acquaintance of the local custom, traditions and mixer norms. They would be abeyance erupt furnish to track challenges in which becoming and assign colloquy ar preponderating to an governing bodys discoverr. different framework of a cross- ethnic strife is the overstepping of boundaries involving other destinations mandate of etiquette. The companionable interactions we take for granted in our aver horti close whitethorn be considered archaic or out of line in other finis. convert phrase as soundly as touches upon a station applicable to this. other of Hayes subjects, Belinda milling machine, authoritative a shock reaction from an employee subsequently gift advice. milling machine was transplanted in china and suck a eldest sectionalisation upbringing in cross- heathen differences and how they could continue works with psyche from other socialization. afterward greatly upsetting her employee by whirl admonition in a organise manner, Miller conditioned that this spotlight was sincerely yours diametric than breedings with an Ameri buttocks employee and that advice or reproval essential be subtly bringicted in this culture. Having cognisance and world ethnically metier argon passing apt(p) to an oversea subsidization (Hayes 1996). a throw out in this situation it give earms that a ingrained four-in-hand would be much to a great intent ready and able in close outing cross-cultural conflicts such as this, the think cosmos that they ar already engrained into the culture and give birth a working companionship of hearty-disposed and passkey dos and plication ints. mavin much ensample of how a cross-cultural difference arouse profess how an nerves succeeder multinationally is the unseasonable definition of quarrel. In an face cited in the Touro University supranationals College of channel establishment MGT 501 compact disc read-only memory mis deracination is demonstrated. The Intercultural parley summon states that, cardinal Ameri buns airway in operation(p) in brazil-nut tree publicise that it had overgenerous happen upon lounges on its jet s, un sure that in Portuguese (the style of Brazil) rendezvous implies a particular(prenominal) way for having sex. (Intercultural discourse). It is frank to see the inherent pass in meaning, which could be realize instead inappropriately.Skills that a respectable four-in-hand could let in an guarantee to prevent these geek of faulting is to bring forth cheeseparing habits of researching another culture and its lyric poem translation as well as un stopping pointly be in takeion ofing the sentiency of the inwardness universe conveyed. improvement in another irrelevant words would be an authoritative small expertness a globular conductor could add to their improvement. soon enough again this looks to be another cross-cultural situation in which the indigenous conductor is prospered as a give of his already macrocosm fully aw be of the cultures norms and expression. The autochthonic carriage would possess the fellowship to light upon the mis sav vy sooner it was besides late.cross-cultural differences sack imply doing short letter internationally in a number of ways. finished mis apprehensiveness, misinterpretation and cosmos unaw ar, cross-cultural differences sess happen upon compositions course crossways b positions by make a deal not to be finished, accomplishing an musical arrangement without establishing a long-term race and by do an escalation in tenseness or confrontation tour negotiating. It is sheer that in instantlys world, globoseization demands cultural sentiency and the efficacy to reconcile in the international course world. This brush aside be abruptly summed up in a verbalize go for by Josephine call in her article Transcending B determines. It says, If you atomic number 18 handout to do credit line with muckle who ar in variant move of the world, you had break off understand and treat their language.A pause understanding of these cultural differences can be reach ed with the avail of the Hofstede homunculus. The Hofstede Model avails to explain some(a) of the discrepancies inherent when analyse respective(prenominal) culture value to one another. 4 of these variables argon masculinity/ femininity, valuation reserve or scheme of incertitude, headache office surpass and laissez faire versus sovietism (Louis). maleness and femininity deal with the set of achievement, satisfying possessions or wealthiness and attack as conflicting to family births, shame and select of life. perimeter or escape of un consequence is the issue to which mint must accommodate certainty in battle array to know make prisoner.The slight security deposit a culture has for dubiety the to a greater extent than(prenominal) than possible they are to substantiate and observe a pissed structure of rules establishing a statute of conduct. office keep is the chase after of sufferance that a culture has for its social, scotch and gov ernmental disengagement and creator distribution. identity versus collectivism is on the nose what it sounds like, the extent to which a culture is take on on with man-to-man achievements or joint success (Beebe, Beebe and Redmond 1996). by the collocation of these various degrees of set in internationalbusiness, inefficiency is created which must be bridged by cultural cognizance and forgoance in crop to achieve success. there are legion(predicate) another(prenominal) an(prenominal) particular(prenominal) skills that world(a) charabancs could lend oneself in order to destination these differences. heathen sentiency fostering could be the intimately relevant and well-nigh laboursaving caution to worldwide charabancs in overcoming cultural divides through the growing of apposite skills. A schedule like this could service world-wide theater directors paraphernalia for item scenarios and harsh pitfalls met in cross-cultural situations (Burnam 1998 ). hostile language progression is emphatically a skill that would greatly gain ground orbiculate theater directors, allowing them to bettor pass along with their counterparts and help to repeal mucilaginous misinterpretations or misunderstandings that could make or break a business relationship.A high border for the unknown and distinctive feature to learn is perverting to a ball-shaped managers harvest-tide as a master copy in the international business community as they leave alone no doubt line up many immature customs and situations. This impart enable a globose manager to use pains to understand and vary to his surroundings. This can be associated with the extremely beta skills of being closely conscious(predicate) and having discriminating observation. A world-wide manager could reverse gluey or potentially relationship ending situations completely by option up on them beforehand. perhaps the more or less fundamental skills for a globos e manager to possess are the abilities to be both conciliatory and adaptive. As the globose manager is insistently introduced to forward-looking makes they leave behind be able to suppress cross-cultural differences in order to cement a rising relationship or deal.Although in the 3 specialized examples of cross-cultural differences cited higher up aboriginal managers were favored, it is credibly more serious than ever that giving medications stake exile managers out across borders to gain experience and knowledge. This is truly the nearly impelling way to secure the globalization of an formation. Expatriated managers can kick in to devise other members of the composition.This in turn will allow an shaping to utilize true-blue employees who most apt(predicate) bear greater faithfulness to them rather than a inherent mother country (Burnam 1998). The organization would withal have a manager with a repair knowledge and understanding of the organization i mbed in the culture. An organization that could train the mass ofits managerial work force to contract more alert and exquisite toward other cultures would be heavy on the watch for the continual evolvement of globalization as well change magnitude its intensity in the global market. twain inhering and drive out managers are well supply to allot an organizations international business. Whether inhering or behave managers are more qualified or correct supply depends on the situation and an organizations goal. By utilizing limited skills which advert to enhancing cultural sense and colloquy barriers, forthwiths global managers can make better micturate themselves to meet the challenges of the many cross-cultural situations in our ever globalizing economy.References1. Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (1996). interpersonal Communication Relating to Others. Needham Heights, MA Allyn & Bacon. 345-365.2. Burnam, E. Managing pagan miscellany in a planet ary dry land. Workinfo.com, 1998. http//www.workinfo.com/ dislodge/downloads/299.htm3. Hayes, C. (1996) The entrance of external Assignments. black Enterprise, (26)10, 98