
Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Ubiquitous Monopoly :: Business Essays

The present MonopolyMonopoly is nearly always seen as something undesirable. Courts induce wrestled with monopoly for ages, sometimes defining it as the power to control prices and exclude competition, restraining trade, or dirty and anti-competitive behavior. Should monopolistic practices be condemned and outlawed? Lets look at anti-competitive behavior and practices, but lets not confine ourselves to whats traditionally seen as monopoly.The marriage contract is fundamentally a monopoly document. It represents a legally sanctioned collusive agreement betwixt two parties to exclude competitors and restrain trade. It closes the market to competition, or at to the lowest degree it is supposed to. This collusion has benefits as well as appeals. Because I have exclusive rights to her affections and property rights to a stream of highly valued domestic services, I place a higher value on my spouse, fashioning me w harming to share with her a greater percentage of my wealth. My sp ouse receives a comparable set of benefits from this collusive arrangement.This monopolistic arrangement has a cost side and perhaps some inefficiencies as well. Neither one of us is as attentive as we were before we made our contractual arrangement. For my part, I dont open the car door for her as often, dont use breath fresheners and colognes as frequently, am not as nearly considerate and gentlemanly as before our marriage some 42 years earlier. The reason is simply that before marriage I was competing against other men and therefore could ill afford to act as a monopolist.Read the Old Testaments bear of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, where God gave Moses the ecstasy Commandments. The first commandment, and presumably the most important is, kelvin Shalt have none other gods before me. The second is, Thou shalt not make thee some(prenominal) graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above. . . . Then theres, Thou shalt not deform down thyself unto them, nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. . . . If a corporation made a similar principle regarding its services, it would find itself in the sights of the U.S. Department of Justice for gross violations of the anti-trust provisions of the Sherman and Clayton Acts. The Ten Commandments decree exclusive dealing and mandate neither substitutes for nor competition with God.In order for one to condemn all monopolistic practices as evil, at least for consistency, he would have to also condemn marriage and the raw material tenets of Christianity.

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