
Saturday, September 7, 2019


ENHANCED ACADEMIC WRITING AND PRACTICE ED2215 (Ass 2) - Essay Example The issue for betterment of the school environment is intrinsically related to the social and cultural environment of the state and society. Further, such issues seen from a judicial and moral standpoint needs be addressed while generating social policies related to the educational environment. The policies generated by the social and educational leaders must generate positive outcomes to help the due achievement of such moral and social goals. The educational and social leaders must focus directly on the betterment of the pedagogical and courseware areas of the educational institutions rather than rendering more concentration on changing the organizational structure. Furthermore, the educational and social change must proceed in a spontaneous manner and must not be restricted in bettering up the educational atmosphere of any particular institution. Development brought about in a particular institution without catering to a holistic view disturbs the fragment of social equity in the state or region. In the context of United Kingdom, the Labor Party during the 1997 period took stance of bringing about a large-scale educational and social reform in the country. ... passing on of the first term the labor party failed to confer further more alterations in the educational atmosphere of the region for which the developments brought about started stagnated with the arrival of the second term. The external leadership imparted by political and social leaders to bring about a mass scale alteration of the educational and social sphere of the region fails to make a sustainable stand unless otherwise recognized by the educational institutions themselves. In other words, the educational institutions are required to perform in close cooperation with the social and cultural ideology of the region to judge their aspirations and aims. The external leadership on the other hand must help create an atmosphere that would promote development of the educational and pedagogical procedure of the institutions. Thus, an environment must be created which would help in the implementation of the policies framed at the national and state level in the educational organizatio ns (Hopkins, 2005, p. 4). Promoters of Educational Development Hopkins outlined four major areas that can help in bringing about a stream of reforms that would help in the formation of an ideal educational environment in a region or state. Hopkins states that an educational environment must focus in designing a personalized approach with the student community that would help in the betterment of the educational patterns. Further, the pattern of the teaching imparted by the educational institution must focus on incorporating professional ideas that would help the students to eke out a living in the future. In the process of bringing about a change in the educational environment, the educational organizations must not function in an isolated environment. Rather they must enthusiastically

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