
Monday, August 12, 2019

The Public Health and Social Services Research Paper

The Public Health and Social Services - Research Paper Example Public health policies are implemented on a community level on the basis of the need of the local population. In 1914, a study regarding the effect of public health implemented on a national level yielded disappointing result related to solving health issues in the community level, thus, inclusion of other services redefined public health provision. In addition to the immediate treatment of community, legislation includes other important roles which define the modern state of public health. One is the establishment of a local facility within the community that can provide chronic disease prevention and medical care which means that on emergency cases wherein the whole community’s health is at state, the said public health unit has the power to lead and connect to other agencies to resolve the issues. Examples include epidemics or diseases related to different forms of calamities (Turnock, 2011, p.7-9). Included in the important part of the local public health department benchm arks are public health nurses (1 in every 5,000 people), environmental health workers (1 in every 25,000 people), clerical staff (1 in every 15,000 people), and other health professionals such as clinicians, dentists, dental hygienists, lab workers, health educators and others as needed on a part-time basis (NACCHO, 2011, p.4). Another pertinent role of the community public health unit recognized is public research and education, thus, the other benchmarks health professional roles had been included. Inputs on promotion, implementation and amendments of public health policies are also included in the role of the public health unit to ensure continuous improvement of the services related to the health of the public (Turnock,

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