
Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Donors Major Gift Path with the Seven Faces Assignment

A Donors Major Gift Path with the Seven Faces - Assignment Example According to the mission, Tzu Chi does not discriminate people but it provides gifts to people without consideration of the religion. The organization is a Buddhist foundation but provides the gifts to members of other religion because it does not require the person receiving the gift to disclose the religious practice (Tzu Ch 2). Tzu Chi has many sub-organizations located in different part of the world. The sub-organizations include international medical association and the college youth association. The foundation was established in 1966 by Master Cheng Yen in Hualien, Taiwan. Other branches for Tzu Chi are located in Asia, Europe, Africa and North and South America. The organization provides services with the help of paid and volunteer staffs. The staffs are recognized in the world with their color of the uniform they ware while providing services. They ware white and blue informs known as the blue angels. The salary for the paid staff is obtained from the gifts provided by the donors. The volunteer are not paid but are given tokens for lunch and personal needs. Tzu Chi undertakes many tasks and it has different workers who provide different services. The services provided by the organization are education, medical, case management and disaster relief. The organization has staff workers who provide services in those departments. The volunteers are given task in respect to their qualification while the paid workers are employed to fill the vacant position which needs specialist or professional (Tzu Ch 5). Most of the donors come from Taiwan. Tzu Chi does not target the rich but accepts a donation from people of different class. The founder, Master Cheng Hen states that giving is the sincere privilege and not privilege of the rich. The donor who was giving out the gift was a man and due to the privacy, his name was not disclosed by the development officer.  

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