Thursday, November 28, 2019
White Privilege Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Essay Example
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Essay History has been witness to different forms of discrimination and oppression among certain classes or groups of people in society not similarly situated. The wounds which have been inflicted are too deep for any kind of discursive prophylactic measures to heal instantaneously no matter how meaningful and earnest. Memory of past hurts still linger although the cries of pain and suffering have abated gradually throughout the years. The pervasive silence of the minority to the continued practices of discrimination, however, does not mean that the problem had been solved; neither does the lack of volume with regards to the cries against disparate treatment mean that the minority no longer suffers from inequity. In this vein, Peggy McIntoshââ¬â¢s article digs deep in the extant mythical systems of unacknowledged privileges enjoyed by a favored class in order to unpack History of its baggage that have been buried to oblivion (McIntosh 1). The article is written with utmost sincerity and honesty as the author owns up to her being part of the oppressive force after she realizes that she has been enjoying a number of implied advantages simply by the color of her skin. She opines further that the myths of an equalized society, of a color-blind community and of a neutral state have been perpetuated to the point that theory is no longer aligned with reality. In other words, the problem has been reworded into grand narratives of equality and fairness (4). What this does is merely to rehash inequality in subtle terms, that is, the privileged white majority becomes unnaturally apologetic, overtly accommodating and rather anxious to please or not to displease the African American. Discourse has taught the people to know the difference between a racial slur to a condescending and politically correct way to communicate to the colored minority. Grammar and rhetoric have changed but the theory, as applied, appears to worsen the div ide in unspeakable terms. We will write a custom essay sample on White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Such unspeakability is at once resolved by McIntoshââ¬â¢s list of the unacknowledged truths to being white and privileged. It elicits an overall feeling of discomfort inasmuch as the list exposes the hushed realities of white privileges. The issue of white over black has long been thought of as a matter of the past, and as such, the relative calm and peace need not to be disturbed. But this just means that society has turned its face away the issue under the assumption that if we do not heed to a problem then it is bound to perish from inattention. The problem of the White Privilege will not go away until the myths that are strongly inculturated in the United States is re-examined (6). Indeed, if there was anything lamentable about the list that McIntosh has drawn up, it is that the provocative inventory of privileges failed to enumerate more.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Oddyseus essays
Oddyseus essays In the Odyssey, Homer created the character Odysseus. There are many sides to his personality. The book shows Odysseus as a family man. It shows him as a compassionate man. He also makes mistakes and has weaknesses. In the Odyssey, Odysseus shows his love for his family. He surmounts many obstacles and gets back home to Ithaca. There his faithful wife, Penelope, and his son Telemachus awaited his return. He wanted to be with his family so badly that he turned down immortality and life with the beautiful goddess, Calypso, in exchange to get back home. When he reaches Ithaca, he fights and kills the suitors that wanted to steal his home and family. Other traits in Odysseus' character are his compassion and patience. For example, in the book he shows his concern and compassion on Circe's Island. She transformed his men into pigs. After he found out, he put his own life in danger, and saved his crew. Odysseus' patience is also an important trait. He thinks things through before he acts. His patience has spared him and his men many times in the story. He uses this back in Ithaca when he was an old beggar. He waited for the right time to reveal his identity. On the other hand, Odysseus still had many human weaknesses. He was too proud and boastful. This shows when him and his men were on the island of the cyclopes. Their ship had already left the island safely. But Odysseus brags about what he did to Polythemus. The giant hears this and throws boulders towards their ship. The ship came very close to sinking. He accidently gives his name away and Polythemus calls Poseidon to punish him. This incident e ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marxism in Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marxism in Anthropology - Essay Example Definitely, the purpose of Marxist anthropology must be the clarification of class struggle. On the contrary, it "has recently become for anthropologists a new source of obscurity as a result of recent work which is difficult and barbarously phrased' (Bloch, 1983, p. v). The problem is that such terminology does not free the social reality form its bourgeois mystifications or wrappings. Ethnographies are widely used in modern anthropology to analyse the complexities of labour and societal development. The ethnographic relativism of the real world which is fragmented into nations and regional societies could only be adequately explained through a theoretically rigorous anthropological paradigm. Marxist anthropology could be used effectively in order to analyse the way people and societies are alienated in contemporary world. Many a Marxists, who were variously influenced by structuralism and the interpretations of Althusser and Balibar, tried conspicuously to invent structure in pre-capitalist societies believing that that's what Marx did for capitalist societies. What they forgot to see is the fact that alienation and labour are the central categories through which Marx delineated his critique of the social structure of bourgeois society. It is labour theory of value as theoretical tool enables an anthropologist to shed light processes and patterns related to social formation, forces of production and mode of production, relations of production and exploitation. It does not mean that the Marxian labour theory of value could directly be applied to pre-capitalist societies as Marx developed it in order to deal with societies where modern market structures are prevalent. Maurice Godelier, who was influenced by Lvi-Strauss, has a prominent role in developing the Marxist anthropology. Godelier endeavoured t o apply the critical Marxist insights on the relationships between infrastructure and superstructure, and alienation and labour, especially to non-western societies. He conducted extensive researches among the Baruya of Papua New Guinea in the period of 1966 to 1969. Among the ethnographies in anthropology, Godeliers' 'The Making of Great Men' has a unique place. Godelier defines commodities as 'objects which are detachable from persons or groups which circulate in impersonal relations between persons or groups' (1978, p.66). For the purpose, the Marxian labour theory of value could be generalised as an analytical category for all types of societies. It means that commodities need to be excluded from the social reality of its production. Godelier asserts that 'the mainstream of capitalism is the desire to make money with money--money is transformed into capital which is then invested in the production and circulation of commodities' (1978, p.63). Without analysing a social formation from the point of view of labour time, the hidden social relationships of actual production cannot be revealed in. Therefore, the capitalist fetishism of commodities 'appear as an independent beings endowed with life, and entering into relation both with one another and with the human race' (Marx, 1965, p.72). What is necessary is to reveal the social relations associated to the embedded amount of labour time in specific commodities, be it of prehistoric or post-modern societies. It is still true that '[a]s
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Biographies of the Justices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Biographies of the Justices - Essay Example He stands out as a judge with a moderate judicial temperament who has equally pleased and disappointed both conservatives and liberals. Appointed by a Republican president, Souter had been expected by some to be a solid conservative on the court. Nevertheless, his Oyez biography notes that he has shored up the "moderate camp" of the Court and has been instrumental in preventing it from shifting too far to the right. This propensity to avoid extremes is, to me, a desirable characteristic in a person who wields tremendous influence over the lives of so many people The justice whom I like the least is Antonin Scalia ( Here is a justice who has ruffled feathers both on the Court and off. He has a confrontational and abrasive style that has led to consternation among his associates and his opponents, while usually pleasing extreme conservatives. He takes a very dogmatic and red-line view of the law that leaves little room for nuance. Unfortunately, the complexity of many issues that can come before the Court often requires a more nuanced approach in order to reach the optimal decision. Scalia is also the justice who surprised me the most. I had always considered him to be an unabashed conservative in the political sense of the word.
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Iliad or the Poem of Force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Iliad or the Poem of Force - Essay Example It is not a story of people but how force is being used to subjugate other people and cow them. Many people were mistaken on this aspect of the story and therefore failed to focus on a real moral lesson which is how force is the big determinant among people's relationships. It has a power to influence people and shape the course of events in history as well. Her insights into Iliad had forced people to think again of the real story in terms of a force that de-humanizes people, both of the protagonists in any conflict. The psychological and the emotional effects of the use of force scars the people who use force to intimidate the other people as well as the recipients or victims of the force being applied. It can intoxicate or numb the people who have the power to use force because it blinds them to its ill effects. War can never be justified, even those so-called pre-emptive wars designed to prevent further wars by striking at the enemy first and therefore spare the populace of a wid er conflagration. It can be seen in the after-effects of so many wars in which soldiers return home like zombies. They stop caring and thinking; soon, they engage in self-hatred (Bell, 1998, p. 186). From her point of view, there are no winners in a war no matter how this is justified. She had expressed this perspective in her numerous writings stating the futility and brutality of wars (Bell, 1993, p. 149).
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Is Music Therapy And Its Benifits General Studies Essay
What Is Music Therapy And Its Benifits General Studies Essay Introduction When substances are used excessively for pleasure in society, or an individual uses a substance for reasons that challenge normal behaviour, they are in danger as being labelled a Deviant: junkies, addicts, alcoholics, abusers. There is debate about the causes of such behaviour that can be condensed to the question ââ¬Ëare we born a deviant, or is it influence from our peers, and from other situational factors around us that make us a deviant? `. American sociologist Robert K Merton proposes that deviancy is caused by society and peers and not the body chemistry. (Robert K Merton) However, this is a question that has long caused argument and differentiation among medical and behavioural psychologists, the former believing that we are born that way, and the latter that we are shaped by life experiences. In order to explore this question I feel it is important to be subjective, as well as objective, and will therefore for this paragraph alone draw on my own personal experiences. Personally I agree with Mertons theory, due to my own self-analysis and actions that I have observed in myself, from underage drinking aged 15 in the pub, and leading on to smoking from peer pressure, which I have continued to do to this day. Playing sport, Rugby, did at the time change my attitude to smoking and drinking as I peered with different people. Changing friends in the 1990s influenced a change in my person leading to the rave scene and recreational drugs use, through own choice and experiments. As an individual I understood the risks and was conscious of my limitations. Using drinking as an example, I understood that when I was drinking, it was part of a social pattern within a social network, if I exceeded that limitation and drank in excess away from the social network, I would have a possible a ddiction. Many substances that are used for pleasure can have an effect on our perspective of time. When we lose a sense of timing we can lose our sense of coherence. Episodes that take us away from coherence of life can threaten isolation (Reith 1999); this is when addiction becomes debilitating. When we lose the timing in life and lose the sense of timing of others around us as human beings, we need something to bring us back to the normal senses and bring us back into the community of other individuals whom we live our lives with. A medium based on performance which can assist with this is the live performance of music. Music therapists provide a solution were we can go into an environment and work with other individuals whom have also extreme deviances. Working on the timing of music can improve our coherent self, leading to a balance in our sense of timing. When focusing on music, an individual can clear their mind of all other problems, therefore allowing themselves a means of escape. Why use music therapy? Music offers a non-symbolic contact with reality, it can be classed a holistic. Performing music with other people is a way of achieving a connection at a fundamental level; we become entrained with other individuals when performing by attachment and emotional expression. However on the reverse side, a Music therapist could potentially face the problem that the songs and music they are using with their clients may resemble memories. An example of this could be drug memories if that particular piece of music was part of the setting when using the drugs. If this happens it could trigger a craving. So can music therapy be a good alternative for the cure of addiction? In a comprehensive study of various books, online journals, videos, documentaries, and case studies there is a significant amount of supporting evidence to be found. This essay will aim to explore the various evidence found and reach a comprehensive conclusion as to the strengths and weaknesses of music used as a therapy for drug addicts, and whether it can effectively help to bring an individual out of an addition. The following chapter will focus on what Music Therapy is and how it can assist in the cure of Drug (drug being alcohol, smoking and illegal substances) addiction, outline the effects of the addiction and explain how music therapy can act as a holistic therapy to the addiction. Chapter 1 What is Music Therapy? Music Therapy can be classed as clinical approach to cure symptoms of addiction. Experiments have had proved results on an individual`s relaxation, the relaxing of the mind, reduction of pain and symptoms with addiction withdrawal and the normalisation and reduction of respiration rate and breathing. Research has found that music therapy has also been successful with the treatment of cancer, brain injuries, and acute pain. Doctors have started to prescribe the use of music therapy by playing their patients different styles of music while undergoing surgery (vid1 linkography). This has proven effects of a supportive measure when altering key hormone levels in patients to speed up recovery, reduce blood pressure, and heart rate. With coordinated preparation of music therapy, clients can experience; Stress and Anxiety reduction. Positive, balancing moods and emotional states. Positive feelings towards themselves, self-confidence and feeling of high self-esteem. Intimacy enhancement of feelings and emotions towards family members and friends. Learning music skills gives the client the patience and abilities to cope with possible situations that may occur in other aspects of their lives. Music therapy has had proven results with the development and learning skills with children, adults and the elderly whom have mental health needs and learning disabilities. Music therapy is recommended for age related diseases aged related diseases such as Alzheimers. Music therapists work from private practices, rehabilitative facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and hospices. Music therapists consult with clients and they assess their condition, physical health, social functioning, and cognitive skills. The Music therapist will construct music sessions for individuals or groups of clients. A wide range of treatment is available from lyric discussion, song writing to live performances and receptive music listening. Experiments by Music therapists have found evidence that their clients have shown remarkable changes in their behaviour of recovering from drug addiction.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Americas Segregation Essay -- essays research papers
America Segregation how has it been affecting the society of Americans for so long? Well according to American Apartheid there just hasnââ¬â¢t been enough time for the 1960s civil rights laws to work themselves out. How long will this take, and will it ever just work itself out? Why are there ghettos and how did they come about. Why are most ghettos in towns and cities in parts that are usually run down? Well if we can remember back in time when immigrants started to enter the United States the different cultures established in the same neighborhoods and communities. Why did they do this? Because they were around people that made them comfortable they were around their cultures and communities that they were accustomed to. They were around a society that was their own. So how did minorities end up in the ghetto? I donââ¬â¢t think they ever got out. When commerce was booming in the city most people lived in the city because thatââ¬â¢s where the action was. The jobs, schools, bakeries whatever you needed was in the city. Back in the day when there was no cars or a form of transportation people had to walk or ride horses to where they were going and by being in a place that was condensed with all of these things it made it easy to live there. I think it was a case of a couple different ideas that all had an effect on minorities but primarily I think that the major ingredient was that the elites of the community prevented minorities for exiting the poverty stricken lifestyles and here is how they did it. Education, transportation and flat out racism. These three factors play a major role in why there is segregation today in the U.S. letââ¬â¢s start with transportation. à à à à à I started with transportation because with transportation came elites moving out of the city to the suburbs. When this happened only people with some kind of money could afford a car to commute to and from the city. These people were the ones who had good jobs and power. Mostly whites had cars at the time and few blacks. These elites moved from the city to establish communities of their own and I am pretty sure that minorities were not welcome. Without transportation minorities were forced to stay in the city and as the suburbs grew larger and larger jobs and commerce that at were one time in the city had now left for the booming suburbs. Business was better in the suburbs and mone... afraid of educated minorities running the country or educating their children. Political power this will come with education. If you are educated and can get your part of the community to support you then you have a great shot of being elected. How do you maintain your power? You keep the people that supported you happy and you donââ¬â¢t upset the other side to bad while you do it. Who doesnââ¬â¢t want you to have to power anyone else who wants it and the ones that you are not giving the benefits too. For instance politician gives tax breaks to elites while struggling citizens still pay high taxes this is not good and destroys a community. I donââ¬â¢t care if your white or black on this issue you will still have major problems. à à à à à I believe that changes have been made and are being made to desegregate I do believe that there will always be a ghetto. Today cities and towns all have them and have to deal with the crime and poverty that comes along with them. I do believe that education will help these communities somehow but a little self-help in these communities is also needed. Lets face it some people like the ghetto and couldnââ¬â¢t think of a better place to live.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay
Describe key areas of the selected companyââ¬â¢s code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business, and explain why. The first question we should ask ourselves ââ¬Å"what is ethics?â⬠I think ethics are a collection of principles and practices that a business believes in, statements and more specific policies about conduct to give employees, partners, vendors, and outsiders an idea of what the corporation stands for and how itââ¬â¢s staff should conduct themselves . The Cheesecake Factory was established in the 1940s by Oscar and Evelyn Overton. In 1972 they open their first business store to Los Angeles, CA known as the Cheesecake Factory. Now The Cheesecake Factory has over 170 locations around the world. Having such a large corporation like Cheesecake Factory brings a lot of ethical and business problems when it comes to having such a large stores and staff. We should always remember that everyone has their own set of moral ethics that they live by at tend to take those same ethics to the work place. When writing a code of ethics it is important that these will cover every staff member from the top of the corporation to the lowest lever employee. Key areas that are of significant importance to The Cheesecake Factory start with the general standards of conduct in how all its employees will be treated by fellow employees and by management. The standards deals the basic values that we all have, with the expectation of building trust, loyalty, honesty, respect, and a high level of professionalism within the company. The cheesecake Factory has an established code of ethical conduct that is an essential factor in maintaining a proper balance in the human aspect of ethics and the link to the business success. Corporate leaders and managements need to be careful about their behaviors and how they make important decisions. Although all areas of the Cheesecake Factoryââ¬â¢s code of ethical conduct is important for the success of the company, there are a few key areas of the companyââ¬â¢s code of ethical conduct that are of significant importance for The Cheesecake Factory. 1-The first occurs in Article IV, in the ââ¬Å"Conflicts of Interest,â⬠section that pertains to transactions and investments. This specifically states that an officer or a directorâ⬠should avoid participating in any transaction or investment that conflicts with, or gives the appearance of a conflict with, the interest of the company.â⬠(Reference 1) This is key in maintaining ethics because a person who is in a leadership / management positions must be loyal to only their organization; otherwise, all decisions that are made and act are suspect as to the integrity of the choice, especially concerning money matters. 2- A second key area of The Cheesecake Factoryââ¬â¢s code of ethical conduct that is of significant importance is in Article V, in the ââ¬Å"Compliance with Company Policies and Procedures,â⬠section that pertains to confidential information. It is very important and essential for the success of any company and business especially, the confidentiality of information, especially for third parties, be maintained. This leads to another key area that is also in Article V of the companyââ¬â¢s code of ethical conduct. In the section that pertains to insider trading. In the section that deals with prohibiting insider trading it states that, ââ¬Å"An officer or director shall observe the Companyââ¬â¢s policy prohibiting trading on the basis of material, non-public information.â⬠(Reference 1) 2.Explain the key steps that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct. There are some key steps that a company can take in order to ensure the employees follow the code of conduct. 1-The Cheesecake Factory should have a ââ¬Å"compliance departmentâ⬠that handles all disputes and investigations regarding violations of the code of conduct. This specific department at Cheesecake Factory should have designated employees that govern the entire companyââ¬â¢s employees and handle any issues that arise. 2-The Cheesecake Factory canà take to ensure the employees follow the code of conduct is to have each employee sign and date, the code of conduct when they hired and give it to the employee a copy and keep another copy in the employee files. This makes it possible for the employee and the company to be on the same page from the beginning of the working relationship. This process can repeat every year for the existing employees to follow the code of conduct. 3-The Cheesecake Factory can take to ensure the employees follow the code of conduct is complete mandatory ââ¬Å" Business ethicsâ⬠training videos for new and existing employees every year. These videos make sure reminder of all employeesââ¬â¢ business ethics and code of conduct. 3. Suggest three (3) ways in which the restaurant can engage in socially responsive activities in the community within which it operates The Cheesecake Factory can engage many socially responsive activities in the local community. 1-The Cheesecake Factory can donate foods to local food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Restaurants always have extra food that does not used for any reasons or left over foods. As a respectful company being able to donate fresh food to shelters and feeding someone who is unable to have a meal, would be wonderful social responsive project and activity. 2-The Cheesecake Factory could engage in socially responsive activities in the community would be to help raise money for a local non-profit organizations, charities, children hospitals or cancer associates. This could be done by donating money, ask costumers to participate or fund rising which will show that the company is giving back to the local community in which it is a part. 3- The Cheesecake Factory could engage in socially responsive activities in the community would be to offer free meals to shelters for specified holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. 4- Also Cheesecake Factory could run campaign for ââ¬Å"Local Food Driveâ⬠to contribute as a company and ask their costumers donate dry and canned foods to reach local families who needs help .This is one of excellent way of giving back to the local community. References: 1. (March 16, 2004) The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. Amended and Restated Code of Ethics for Executive Officers, Senior Financial Officers, and Directors. Retrieved from: 2. (January 2001) C.B. And R.L. ââ¬Å"The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues.â⬠Cengage Learning, 8th edition. 3. (January 2012) Ferrell, O.C. And John Fraedrich. ââ¬Å"Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases.â⬠Cengage Learning, 9th edition.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Mahiavellis Unique Morality essays
Mahiavelli's Unique Morality essays When reading Niccolo Machiavellis The Prince, one cant help but grasp his argument that ordinary morality and politics cannot exist in the same forum. However, when examining Machiavellis notions in depth, one can conclude that perhaps a moral end fuels his suggested use of force and violence. First and foremost, one must have the understanding that this book is aimed solely at describing what conditions and actions are necessary for a would-be prince to take in order for him to obtain and maintain power. Therefore, it is essential to grasp his concepts of fortune and virtue. These two concepts reflect the manner in which a prince should govern in order to minimize his chances to be subjected to misfortune. This kind of governing demands the use of force. However, this is only done for the strict purpose of maintaining his throne, and generating both fear and admiration within his subjects. In these cases of violence, Machiavelli suggests limiting the amount of force to a mini mum, and that the victims be enemies of the people. The Prince is essentially taking the role of the villain and assuming all bad acts so that his people do not have to suffer and commit the acts themselves. Subsequently, the Prince requires that his power not be threatened or disrespected. In the end, Machiavellis Prince assumes all the burden of immoral behavior while leaving his noble people live prosperously and according to their moral virtues. This is Machiavellis unique sense of morality. Before examining how the interaction of violence and politics lead to morality in the end, it is important to analyze exactly what Machiavelli demands of his Prince. First and foremost, Machiavelli harps upon the concept of fortune and virtue. By fortune, he means those things that are left to chance and the absence of the guarantee that a certain event will occur. Machiavelli writes that a great long standin...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
de kleine blonde dood essays
de kleine blonde dood essays Het onderwerp van de tekst is in het begin de relatie tussen Boudewijn en zijn vader en later zijn zoontje Micky. Ik vind het beide wel interessante onderwerpen, maar als het over zijn vader gaat, vind ik het soms een beetje saai. Dat is vaak hetzelfde. Ik vind dat de schrijver het onderwerp goed uitwerkt. Hij vertelt alles op een manier zodat je helemaal in het verhaal opgaat, omdat hij het vertelt zo als hij het meemaakt. Ik denk wel eens na over de onderwerpen oorlog en het overlijden van een kind, en door dit boek zijn mijn gedachten daarover niet veranderd. Ik denk dat de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen zijn de woedeaanvallen van Boudewijns vader, dat Boudewijn in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis komt en later in een gewoon ziekenhuis. En later in het verhaal dat Boudewijn een zoontje krijgt, dat Boudewijns vader overlijdt en dat daarna Boudewijns zoontje overlijdt. De gebeurtenissen zijn allemaal goed gedetailleerd en duidelijk beschreven, heel uitgebreid. De gebeurtenissen worden allemaal door de hoofdpersoon zelf verteld, dus de gedachten en gevoelens van de hoofdpersoon spelen denk ik een even grote rol als de gebeurtenissen want het gaat allemaal over hetzelfde en is dus ook wel even belangrijk. De gebeurtenis die de meeste indruk op mij heeft gemaakt is wanneer Micky overlijdt in het ziekenhuis. Dat vond ik zo zielig, dat Boudewijn zelf moest beslissen of Micky bleef leven of niet, heel ontroerend. De hoofdpersoon van dit verhaal is Boudewijn en andere belangrijke personen zijn vader Rainer (als Boudewijn het over zijn jeugd heeft) en zijn zoontje Micky (als hij het over de tijd vlak voor Mickys dood heeft). Rainer is de vader van Boudewijn, Micky is het zoontje van Boudewijn. De belangrijkste gebeurtenissen zijn in het begin de woedeaanvallen van Boudewijns vader, dat Boudewijn in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis wordt opgenomen en daarna blindedarmontsteking krijgt. En ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control Coursework
BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control OHS risk - Coursework Example However, for a mobile crane to qualify for registration, it must have a rating capacity greater than 10 t. In addition, before registration, the mobile crane in question must undergo thorough inspection by a competent person. Further, mobile crane owners are required to ensure that cranes are in good condition all the time. According to Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 211 requirements, registration of mobile cranes is done on January 31 every year (The State of Queensland par. 3). Even though there has always been a requirement for the registration of air conditioning units, this requirement was crapped under WHS Regulation 2011. This implies that there is no longer a requirement for the registration of an air conditioner (The State of Queensland 36). Like fired pressure that must be registered under, WHS Regulation 2011, the same applies to unfired pressure vessels. Registration of unfired pressure vessel is required under the regulation to ensure that it is in good condition and does not pose health and safety risk to workers. In fact, before registering unfired pressure vessel, a thorough investigation is conducted by a competent person to ensure that the vessel meets the health and safety requirements. Compliance with the health and safety regulations aims to guarantee safety and health of workers using the vessel (State of Queensland 23). An air compressor falls under pressure vessels, which require registration under schedule 5, Part 2 of WHS Regulation 2011. According to this regulation, any pressure vessel classified as hazard level A, B, or c must be registered. An air compressor is one of the pressure vessels that falls under these categories, thus must be registered. To qualify for registration, the threshold for the compressor design must be Volume x Design Pressure_> 30MPa.L. Once the threshold is met, then the supplier of the air compressor must ensure that its design is registered with the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Juvenile crime issues in the criminal justice system Essay
Juvenile crime issues in the criminal justice system - Essay Example The explanation of delinquency and state offences, i.e. of two terms that are quite common in juvenile justice, would help to understand that the differences between the adult court and the juvenile courts are more than estimated. Also, the review of the variables related to juvenile crimes would help to realize that juvenile court serves an important social need: the need for fighting crime in its initial appearance, i.e. among teenagers. From this point of view, juvenile court should keep its independence towards the adult court. One of the key differences between the juvenile court and the adult court is that the former does not allow to the offender to appeal, at least when the case has reached the level of the final order (Siegel & Welsh 2010, p.354). Neubauer & Fradella (2010) focus on another characteristic of juvenile court, as differentiated from the adult court: in juvenile court ââ¬Ëmost of the proceedings are informalââ¬â¢ (Neubauer & Fradella 2010, p.521), a practice that would not be accepted in the adult court. Furthermore, in the juvenile court proceedings are not published, as in the case of the adult court, aiming to protect the personal life of the offender, who is young and should not be stigmatized for the rest of his life (Neubauer & Fradella 2010, p.521). In addition, in juvenile court the option of jury is not available; indeed, it is prohibited to juvenile courts to use jury trials (Neubauer & Fradella 2010, p.521). This practice has been possibly introduced for protecting the pe rsonal life of young offender. On the other hand, Del Carmen & Trulson (2005) note that the differences between the juvenile and the adult courts are gradually decreased; it is suggested that in the future an integrated system should be used, for both the adult and the juvenile offenders, so that their treatment, in terms of the hearing and the evaluation of their case, is fairer. In order to understand the
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