Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Humanistic Approach, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Essay
Humanistic apostrophize, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Conflict stop and Vision - Essay ExampleHumanistic Approach, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Conflict Resolution and Vision. Specifically, I learnt that leaders whitethorn be born or made. This research helped me understand examples of leaders who are born with power and leaders and those who are made leaders. I also learnt that motivation is crucial in enhancing mesh performance, productivity, and satisfaction. I confide that this class has increased my knowledge in management. I will use this knowledge to impact those rough me by helping them understand tender-hearted behaviours and how they can foster motivation and utile leadership. Humanistic Approach Humanistic management is the process through which different streams of humanisms are linked or connected. It focuses on the cranial orbit of economics and business as the primary force that drives the society. The humanistic barbel to managem ent helps to understand human beings as absolutely self-importance-serving or independent item-by-items. We understand the concept of humanistic management on the basis of three dimensions. The first thing is that human beings deserve and expect their dignity and worth to be respected under all circumstances. Secondly, businesses and organizations must embrace ethical decisions that promote the well-being of employees and staff members. The brave thing is that embracing corporate responsibilities is crucial in strengthening and maintaining an ongoing relationship with the stakeholders. According to Murray, Markides and Galavan (2008), it is discriminate to apply human approach in business context where dignity and respect of every individual is the foundation that builds and maintains interpersonal interaction. This approach helps the management to embrace every individual in the organization disregarding of where he comes from or what he owns. The integration of ethical reflect ion into the business is the key process from which effective and quality decisions are made. The solitary managerial decision on where an action is ethically sound depends on the humanistic approach to management. However, the approach may not be grab in providing excessive freedom. It is classic to note that, the humanistic theory make some assumptions about human nature, which are not evaluate as solid or complete. One cannot adequately argue that every individual should be precondition freedom to choose what he wants or not. This is because some people may make negative choices withal when right solutions are staring at them. These facts plague the humanistic approach to management and therefore picture the need to offer sufficient guidance for positive change to occur. Still, it may not be appropriate when managers are mean and misunderstand how their employees perform their assigned duties. When managers treat their employees like this, they get depressed and disconsola te and thus become unproductive in the workplace. Since humanistic approach to management is based on the self and client centred therapy, then it benefits people to discover and identify their personal capacity that stimulates self-assessment and self-development. This approach creates a fuzee for people to understand their strengths and work hard to improve on their weaknesses. However, this approach requires people to understand the understructure of their problem before building or fixing the solution. With this, this approach may not perfectly work for everyone since some people may be threatened and challenged to find out the root cause of their problems. Still, this approach regards that human beings must understand that they are hold
Monday, April 29, 2019
Allocation Problem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Allocation Problem - Research Paper ExampleI would, therefore, create a report on cost allocation based on certain estimations after analyzing Dells gross margin from income statements (Dell Financials, 2010). In Desktop PCs category, the main inputs include motherboard, processor, peripheral devices (keyboard and mouse), monitor, baffling disks, DVD ROM, RAM, power supply, power buttons, speakers, outer casing, internal and external wire connectors, modem, LAN and 3D-graphics cards etcetera The Desktop PCs category could be divided into parts such as purchases, component production, fitting and hardware installation, software installation, administration, inventory maintenance, after sales services (warranty expenses), wastage, breakage, pilferage etc. The costs will be allocated to each department after calculation of direct labor and direct material. Manufacturing Overheads will include indirect labor and material, while, the livelihood expenses will include rentals, insuranc e, depreciation and amortization, advertising and marketing, general administrative and others etc. followed by miscellaneous expenses (Ross 2009) (Grover, 2010).
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Exploring the Violence in Television and Its Effect in Childrens Essay
Exploring the Violence in Television and Its Effect in Childrens Psyche - Essay practiceViolent content is 9 percent above average in childrens programming, and cartoons are the most idle (Center for Communication and accessible Policy, 1998).We are all aware that our daily lives are studded with different types of strength. Social psychologists have asserted that much of our behavior is learned by watching others. And what do children see on TV They are exposed to more personnel. This further validates what the children have seen in the neighborhood, it makes vehemence such sane fare -- everyones doing it, not just in their neighborhood, but all over world. More than the adults, it is the children that have great propensity to imitate the things they have watched on goggle box. For them, TV represents violence as an appropriate way to understand interpersonal problems, to get what you want out of life, avenge slight injuries and insults and make up for perceived injustices .How peak is the problem of violence in television Does it really transmit aggressive behavior to children Does it affect their mental health This paper will try to tackle the link of TV violence and aggression to youth viewers and try to analyze what are the possible solutions that can be done to thwart the additive effects of violence in television.Two large scale studies--the University of P... They counted the number of waste acts using the definition, the bald expression of physical force, with or without weapon, against self or other, compelling action against ones will on torment of being hurt or killed, or literally hurting or killing (Gerbner et al. 1978, p. 179). Furthermore, they required that the violence be plausible and credible, which rules out idle threats, verbal abuse, or comic gestures with no credible violent consequences. The violence may be intentional or accidental. In addition, violent accidents, catastrophes, and acts of nature are included. Signorie lli (1990) comminuted Any act that fits the definition, regardless of conventional notions about types of violence that may have serious effects, is coded. This includes violence that make its in realistic, serious, fantasy, or humorous contexts. Accidental violence and acts of nature are recorded because they are ceaselessly purposeful in fiction, claim victims, and demonstrate power (p. 89).On the other hand, the NTVS (1996) analyzed more than 10,000 hours of television programming across 23 channels over 3 years using the definition of violence as An overt depiction of a credible threat of physical force or the actual use of such force intended to physically harm an animate being or group of beings. Violence also includes certain depictions of physically harmful consequences against an animate being or group that occur as a result of unseen violent means (p. 1-48).Their interpretation of violence in media messages is ground more on harm to viewers than on harm to media chara cters. It is known that a very microscopic percentage of violent
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The Morality of Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Morality of Death penalisation - Research Paper ExampleWhy finish penalty is moralProponents of death penalty argue that aspiring criminals atomic number 18 likely to refrain from murder if the musical arrangement makes it undoubtedly clear, through constant executions, that the same good deal will bef all them if they continued their criminal behavior of murder (Moore, 2014). The fact that murder is planned justifies death penalty. However, owing to the fact that there are other equally pertinent triggers of murder, smashing punishment whitethorn arguably reduce cases of murder but only among those who are reasonable in the run-up to the rush of the crime. Regardless, while capital punishment prevents cases of murder among a majority of criminals, especially those who fear for their lives, the remaining cases of murders are arguably attributed to other stimuli such as substance influence, extreme anger, betrayal and or vengeance. Hinman (2012) noted that with capital pun ishment being made real for murderers, many criminals will likely participate in lesser crimes as a way of self-preservation. As such, capital punishment serves as the ultimate cautionary against all felonies including theft. The argument is especially credible because a criminal who is fully aware that the criminal justice system will hand him or her death penalty will seek more favorable penalties by refraining from murder. It is rational, therefore, to argue that the average criminal may refrain from robbery even if they did not have the spirit of murdering the property owner or possessor.
Friday, April 26, 2019
COMMUNITY resilience FOR DIAMOND HEAD SCENIC BYWAYS PROJECT - Research Paper ExampleHowever one would be interested in understanding community resilience through evaluating Diamond head scenic byways watch and this forms the theme of this paper.The scenic byway project under analysis is the Hawaii global image/symbol, which pay of a historic shore line, crater parks, cultural scenes as well as historic roadstead which in broad defines and explains the cultural heritage of the communities of Hawaii. This icon has stood relevant over generations ever since Hawaiian Monarchy with often of relevance today is being accorded to the icon on its use. Besides, being used for recreational purposes, people take on at the icon for learning experiences. The intrinsic features of the Diamond Head byways are together with historical, cultural, archaeological as well as historical. However, it is worth noting that the responsibility of preserving the icon rests with national government, the sta te designations and the public under likeable land trusts.How exactly could the communities living in Hawaii be seen on matters of resilience in affiliation with the iconic feature of Diamond head byways? From the historical perspective of the communities, it is shown that the volcano served as a watchtower from where whatsoever approaching fleet of canoes would be spotted early enough and evaluated on whether it meant peace of otherwise through runners. In the event of a danger, message would be sent across the island and as such allot measures on security would be taken. This would therefore explain the strategic preparedness that the Hawaiian people stayed concerning outer attacks especially by sea. The other feature illustrating the resilience of the people living within the area in ancient times was through use of fires at the peak to direct canoes in the sea without which the fishermen development such
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Differences of Perceptions of the Amount of School Bullying Between Research Paper
Differences of Perceptions of the Amount of School determent Between Students and Staff - Research Paper ExampleThe results of the study were illustrated by the answers to the following questions provided by 129 respondents from students and 32 respondents from school staff. The range of questions illustrated different representations of the issues connected with blustering(a), its prevention and post-reactions for it. In the result of the survey, both teachers and students reflected the presence of bullying at school. First of all, both manly and female students confirmed that there were possible fights at school. The students were often arguing among each other. The most interesting fact was that some students were often beaten up by other students or are teased much than often than other students. Therefore, it could be seen that both male and female students underlined the presence of a special group or victims of bullying. Moreover, the girls confirmed the presence of argu ments or fights more readily than males do. What was important to note was that both males and females felt safe on the playgrounds and in cafeterias, hallways and school bathrooms, classrooms (more than 70%). Therefore, it can be seen that there were cases of bullying, but students feel safe at school in general. The students were aware(predicate) of behavior they were expected to show (more than 70%). Fortunately, the students showed a lot of trust for their teachers and principals concerning the issue of school safety. The principles were in addition severe and strict in their rules of order and teachers were reliable to keep the order at school (69% and 18, 6% respectively). The next set of questions concerned verbal threats at school or cases of physical violence. There were no cases of verbal or physical violence at the school. No alcohol or drug consumption. except there were cases when students... This essay approves that the divergence mingled with the students and teac hers perceptions of bullying was evident. It should be noted that despite the limitations this study magnate have, it provided new information regarding teachers and students perceptions of bullying. Both teachers and students agreed upon the presence of bullying at school. It should be noted that teachers were more concerned on evident types of bullying, while students were more aware of concealed forms of bullying. It is possible to underline the essential of school based interventions for bullying in order to prevent social and emotional problems among students and teachers. This report makes a conclusion that the implementation of anti-bullying programs means determination of the engagement level of interest among students and teachers concerning bullying. Therefore, it is relevant to develop anti-bullying programs at schools and promote intervention policies directed on elimination of bullying practices. Prevention practices are more trenchant than post-bullying negative outc omes experienced both by the teachers and the students. With the help of this research it is possible to bridge the gap between students and teachers perceptions of bullying by implementation of informing strategies directed on bullying prevention. Practical implications of the study in relation to the recent developments in the research of bullying at school are a blameless basis for logical developments and inventions in this field.
Engineering Design Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Engineering Design Practice - demonstrate Example1) As per the requirements of the Approved Document B it is must for the architect to plan and design a structure in a manner that it should comprises of ample necessities like early combustion caution apparatuses and proper, vouch and efficient evacuation passages.2) To control the intensification of inferno in the interior of a structure it is necessary to utilize the material that can bear and defy the blazes distribution over it and in case it catches fire, there should be a sluggish rate of temperature release, reasonable as per situation3) The indoors are ought to be constructed in a way that in case of fire it is supposed to be steady for the utmost current and it must defend against the fire dispersion among two buildings with an tolerable system for the smoke discharge4) The after-school(prenominal) walls and roof of construction must defend against the fire to reach over from a construction to any(prenominal) more havi ng stared to operation, height and pose. The blueprint of structure must be well architected to ease fire-fighters in screen livesA performance oriented process for structural inferno design is akin to the modus operandi of devious structures to speck masses and seismic effects. The role of a structural component will be definite and a set of objective canvasss will be prearranged that allocates the assessment of fire recital in relation to the find practical decisive factor on the other hand, Prescriptive method characterizes a structural conflagration design moderately accurate in requisites of the resources involved, contour and extent of structural rudiments, depth of fire precaution materials and construction detail etc. The design proposals are mostly based on the practice with matching or analogous standard inferno tests.It is necessary to carry out more than one test for a specific perimeter in array to verify the results obtained from the previous test as in earlier i nvestigations by experts it is revealed
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Case assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case assignment - test ExampleWe anticipate this norm by concluding that Michael Dellmon had a clear and succinct vision objet dart starting his company. The characters of effective planning are evident in that Michael decided to avail developed strategies that he would complete by pursuing a low cost/price strategy. While availing the aspect of organizing the bodily structure and management of a given companies the superior body requires to deal with human resources, finance and establishment of strategic priority within the organization. Contrary to management organization, a given entity needs to ensure that aspects like specialization, and portion of work is done effectively and substantially so that certain goals are delivered professionally and within stipulated timeframe. The consummation established within Michael Computer Company is evident especially articulating that Michael decided to start his business with a small group of workers. ... Through Michael vision, we re alized that for him to grow his business well, he would require to use chinchy labor by outsourcing the manufacture of various parts of the computer to countries where there were luxuriouslyly skilled workers scarcely they did not demand senior high wages. As the business grew, he developed a structure that set forth the various tasks and reporting relationships between the workers in the organization. Friend-Zs management scenario Global producers plant based on accepting lower profit margins that in turn increases competitive pressures that more than so, leads to high production value added solution. However, in consideration of Friend-Zs management we will anticipate various advantages and disadvantages of employing world-wide competition norm. One of the advantages includes the rise of production level, provision of skilled labor that leads to effective services and products delivery and acquisition of customers preferences articulations. However, global competition may lead to straining of economies of sales and high capital use setting up diverse and effective management to avail services on time and within customers preferences. The above articulated disadvantages and advantages are among the issue that Friends Zs company looks forward to meet in its business processes. Moreover, for the Friends Zs to go global in terms business growth and especially doing business in foreign country, political stability, history of business, grocery store analysis, social services and preferences behaviors are some of the environmental factors that needs to be given priorities and looked upon. To become more successful, Friends Zs needs to avail joint venture strategy since it become
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Evaluation of Tell website Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Evaluation of draw website - Research Paper ExampleThe importance of a having a specific objective in mind when designing a website is highlighted and main elements of a successful website is explained. The objectives of the insure culture Systems website are defined. A study of Saudi internet users in general, the target audience of the website and a comparison of the Tell website to those of its competitors is made. In light of this study we craft a general internet trade strategy for the website, make a list of requirements for having an efficiently working website and end with some recommendations.This report concerns my occupation as an internee of Tell Information Systems, which was to evaluate and help redesign Tell website and create an internet merchandising campaign for Tell. This report highlights the benefits that having a well maintained website and an internet presence could bring to the company including the competency to expose their products and services to mi llions of potential new customers, learn more intimately their prospective customers and answer their questions about the products and services, offer customer support and service, present an improved image of the company.3The importance of a having a specific objective in mind when designing a website is highlighted and main elements of a successful website is explained. The objectives of the Tell Information Systems website are defined. A study of Saudi internet users in general, the target audience of the website and a comparison of the Tell website to those of its competitors is made. In light of this study we craft a general internet marketing strategy for the website, make a list of requirements for having an efficiently working website and end with some recommendations.3This report evaluates the Tell Information Systems website with a view to improve the effectiveness of the companys website. Tell Information Systems is an up and coming IT Company based in Jeddah, Saudi Ara bia. The company offers a range of
Monday, April 22, 2019
Managerial Ethics & Social Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managerial Ethics & Social Issues - attempt ExampleManagement varies from organization to organization, in analyzing the slick study involving the controversial conflict between the Firestone become flat Company and the Ford railcar Company the managerial, ethical and societal issues are brought clear into the play. The ethical and the social issues concerning management require that the management is involved in making close when tough challenges arise and the decision should not be biased. .Both the Ford Car Company and the Firestone Tire Company had been enjoying mutual benefit not until the controversy happens. No one was ready to take the blame on the basis of damaging the reputation of the company. The National Highway Traffic Administration was tasked with the obligation of investigating why there was tire failure on the Ford Explorer Sport Utility Vehicles. It come clear that Firestone tyre had very steep failure rates with threads peeling off causing the over rolling of the vehicle killing the occupant. Management of Firestone tyre Company could not take the blame easily sitting that the tyres were functioning hale with other vehicles so the problem was the Ford SUVs. In my view both companies had to be blamed tenability being they have been enjoying mutual benefit for quite a while and the problem could have been ascribable wrong tyre size specification. Its objective of the management to ensure that product or service delivered or offered to the customer should be satisfactory incase of any problem the organization should be held responsible. In the case above Ford should be responsible to the victims while Firestone Company should be responsible to the Ford Car Company.In applying the three ethical theories in regard to manufactures responsibility starting with the contractual theory which is more than customer based, it concerns the contract between the customer and the organization. It entails the agreement that is duly signed, it req uires that the customer is correctly informed just about the product and incase of any problem
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Comparison between Management Information System (MIS) and Executive Essay
Comparison between Management education System (MIS) and Executive Information System (EIS) - Essay ExampleIn the banking industry, such systems find tremendous utilize as they be employed for conglomerate activities wish financial reporting, analysis, capital investment decisions, investment risk analysis and immediate payment flow analysis. All these activities require executive overview as well as managerial decisions at polar levels, which require the use of either EIS or MIS as deemed necessary.Specifically speaking, the project leave analyze the utilities of these systems for elder and middle management in the target industry, who use the services of these mediums for business planning, forecasting, monitoring and control. Further, the significance of these systems amongst various departments within companies as well as their specific uses by employees for realizing various tasks will be analyze thoroughly.As mentioned above, the primary point of the project is to prov ide a critical comparison between the use of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Executive Information Systems (EIS) in the investment banking and financial sector. For this purpose, an elaborate study will be undertaken to analyze such systems used in prominent investment banks in the United States like Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. In this study, a number of objectives have been outlined which will be evaluated to provide an considerable comparison amongst the two chosen categories. These objectives are listed below.As the name implies, Information systems serve the primary purpose of training gathering, processing and appropriate display. In doing so, the worthiness of both MIS and EIS will be evaluated for their efficiency in processing information without much processing and user involvement. This is especially essential for users in specific departments as relieving them from additional processing provides them the much needed time for el aborate decision making using the information provided by these systems.Two
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Evaluating Decision Alternatives and Assessing Risk Essay
Evaluating Decision Alternatives and Assessing Risk - Essay ExampleThe chairman to the cant Kenneth Lewis admitted that the information he gave push through was not accurate. The executive director of the posit, therefore, made mistakes that were against the ethics required in corporations (Cohen, 2009).There are many decisions that the executive of the bank of America took that render them unethical. Among them includes the disguise by Merrill lynch on the risk involved. It was done by changing the investment grade to other investments referred to as the CDOs. The problem was further increased by the denotation derivatives. It was because a person could trade the investments many times. It could only get understood by the professionals due to payments on mortgages being done in several years. The activities in the bank continued deteriorating in the prevailing days that loans begun defaulting (James et al., 2002).Merrill lynch as indicated was not able to trade billions of the CDOs as if it had traded them, the players in the market had a jeopardize of discounting the CDOs. The workers in the Merrill had the intentions of earning high bonuses continuously as a result, they did not trade the CDOs. The employees did not indicate losses and later escaped with the lies. The accountants in the Merrill lynch failed to perform their duties and obligations. The problem raised alarms to the non professionals, however, the management allowed Merrill to escape with the funds. The bank of America acquired the Merrill lynch in the year 2008. A calendar month later it was known that Merrill had losses that summed up to $15 billion. It was in the fourth quarter of the year and BofA made claims that the losses got incurred in December (Cohen, 2009).The bank did not give information to the shareholders and moved on to putting $20 billion in tarp funds. SEC (Slumbering Esquires Club) filed another complaint against the Merrill failure to disclose information about the l osses in the month of
Friday, April 19, 2019
Typical Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Typical Day - Essay theoretical accountThe flow of different people makes the place lively with different culture, something I have always anticipate for. Texas, my residential place, is dominated by Ameri backs, hence sounds monotonous. On my visit to the city, I was amazed by the salmagundi of infrastructure that was present and which was much better from the ones that are existence in my current state. The immigration procedures that I experienced in New York were all legal and streamlined compared to those of Texas.Secondly, New York City exerts great furbish up on the businesses, money issues, media issues, fashion and design, art, research and technology, education and entertainment. These sectors seem to be far ahead of what Texas contains and I enjoyed the steep quality facilities. The experience was fascinating to me with the advancement of these entire infrastructures, talk of the subway among others.The third impaction was the pride of being in the city that holds th e United Nations HQ, which means that all the services needed from the UN offices, can easily be obtained while in the city. The city also acts as an important center for multinational diplomacy and has made it to be described as the international centre for enceinte and cultural capital of the word. With the imagination that I could easily access these offices brought my career dreams close to reality. The city comprises of a mixture of galore(postnominal) different culture from all over the word due to its immigration rules (Dunford et al.). The feeling of experiencing the cultural miscellany made the city unique to me and ideal with different clothing styles, different foods from different parts of the innovation and one can hardly miss anything while in the city unlike what is in Texas. so far on the culture issue, I had the privilege to interact with people of different dialects. There are estimated 800 languages communicate in the City of New York City, which makes it on e of the cities with diverse languages in the world. In Texas, there are high levels
Lyme Disease and How the Immune System Responds Research Paper
Lyme Disease and How the Immune system of rules Responds - Research Paper ExampleEarly symptoms ar then further divided into localized which normally accommodate a characteristic circular rash, fever, malaise and flu like symptoms. The symptoms of early disseminated contagious disease are mainly due to the spread of the bacteria in the blood stream in two to iii days after the initial infection and include dizziness, migrating pain in the muscles, palpitations, neuroborreliosis and infections of the lymph nodes. The disease could to a fault discipline to many cardiac anomalies like atrioventricular block. The disease if not treated properly or remaining untreated could lead to its persistent chronic form. The major parts of the body that are usually moved(p) by this late, chronic form of the disease are eyes, brain and heart. Extreme cases of the disease may also lead to paraplegias. Pathogenesis The pathogenic organism is present in the saliva of the ticks and transferred to the blood stream objet dart the ticks are feeding on the human blood. The ticks saliva protects the organism and allows it to invade the dermis while avoiding the initial protective system of the human body. After invasion, an inflammatory response develops against the organism which is usually is the courtship of its characteristics initial lesions. Neutorphils however fail to invade the site of infection, enabling the bacteria to survive linger at the site of infection. ... RESPONSE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Innate Immunity Innate immune response is usually the bodys first and immediate response to any foreign antigen in this case the bacteria (Borrelia). The cells usually involved in providing the internal exemption are called as the natural killer cells which include neutrophils, dendritic cells, monocytes and granulocytes. However in Lymes disease neutrophils usually fail to invade the site of infection which allows the organism to survive for a longer duration. In the absenc e of neutorphills, the dendritic cells acquire a uncomplicated role of killing the pathogen. The dendritic cells engulf the bacteria by the process of phagocytosis. After the bacterium is phagocytosed, it is either killed by lysosomal enzymes or by the production of toxic substances e.g. Nitric Oxide, that degrade bacterial cell tissue layer leading to its death (Dietrich and Hartung 2001). Dendritic cells having acquired this primary role of killing the cells perform many other functions besides in the early manifestation of the infection. The dendritic cells cause the release of several mediators e.g. IL8, 12 and 1 as well as TNF alpha. All these mediators released by dendritic cells play an important role in the early defenses against the disease as well as development of the acquired immunity. Complement system Apart from the innate response that is directly involved in the killing of foreign pathogens, one important aspect of immunity against borrelia infection is the activa tion of the complement system. The complement system is a complex of 20 proteins which are frantic by the antigen antibody complexes. Functions of the complement system involves activation of specific immune mechanisms e.g. release of certain chemical mediators, direct
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Impact of the Nineteenth-Century Ideal of True Womanhood Essay
The Impact of the Nineteenth-Century Ideal of True Womanhood - Essay utilizationIn the past, the four virtues of piety, purity, submission, and domesticity were considered premier attributes of the True Woman.1 According to Welters tale, maven would have concept that women still should adhere to these austere values of what womanhood really looks like. Of course, this article was written in the posthumous 60s. Women had only had the right to vote for a few years, and it was still rather unheard of for women not to set up married right out of high school. In fact, women who went out of the household to work during the late 60s were seen pretty as rule-breakers. These rule-breakers, in effect, ended up changing the way we think about society and womens roles in spite of appearance it. If these daring women had not stood up and made a case for why they should have been able to go out of the home and work, many women today would not have had the chance to do the samebecause these initial women took a risk. In some ways, having women stay at home is great because they can multitask from home. There be some good things about the historical values that have been placed on women. Women ar largely thought to be gentle, kind people. Of course, this is not always the casebut women who are very female are seen as more highly valued in society because it sticks to that core virtue of piety. Women are in like manner thought to be more pure than menfor whatever reason this is, probably superstar will never know except to say that this is probably more likely true than not, so far though it is a stereotype. Third, women are seen as more submissive than men. This can also be a stereotypebut creation submissive is not necessarily a bad quality unless one has to stand up for ones rights. Fourth, it should be noted that women, as domestic engineers of the homealso known as homemakersare privy to the same kinds of stereotypes that govern the opposite side of the coin , the world of men. The Classist understand Women becoming more independent was not something that men wanted to hear about. Men spokeof religion as a kind of tranquilizer for the many undefined longings which swept even the most pious unripe girl, and about which it was better to pray than to think.2 Religious subjecttions did not cloud, but rather helped, the minds of young girls and women. The sensible horizon that was held that women were delicate and frail and needed someone to help them was a societal view held by Anglo-Saxon men, and this was definitely some sort of classist view. Black women were not regarded as such by white men, and that idea will be explained, entertained, and dissected in the next portion of this piece. However, white women were fair game for being seen as being in need of assistance. In the early 1970s a modern sport of feminism shook American medicine to its foundations and buttressed its sister movement, the patients rights movement. Both movemen ts seek to take patients decisions about their bodies and lives away from physicians especially male physicians and gave women and patients control. The landmark book was Our Bodies, Ourselves, by a assort of women patients in Boston who had access to one of the grandest some would say, most self-satisfied medical centers in the world, Harvard. Because they couldnt get the information they wanted in down-to-earth, patient-friendly language, they published
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Key Success Factors for Supply Chain Management Excellence at the Essay
Key Success Factors for Supply Chain Management Excellence at the Textile area (or similar) - Essay ExampleEfficient supply grasp management holds great importance in the cloth fabrication as excellence of the industry largely depends upon sourcing of quality raw materials and proper placement of the utmost goods in the shelves of retailers so that the products can be easily accessible to the targeted audience group (Yip and Hult, 2012). In this while of globalization, establishing strong supply chain has become inevitable for the global as well as national players in order to manage complexities in global sourcing of raw materials and supplying the apparels and other finished goods to the customers all over the world (Lysons and Farrington, 2012). In fact, ensuring effective supply chain management helps the market players in the industry to achieve competitive advantages over other players. The objective of the research paper is to identify the key achievement factors in s upply chain management that leads to create excellence in the fabric sectors. For the purpose of analysis, the textile industry of the United Kingdom will be examined.The concept of supply chain management has gained immense attention mainly after globalization and massive trade liberalization. concord to Basu and Wright (2010), as a give of rapid expansion of cross border trade, the global industries subsequently understand the importance of supply chain management as it is becoming necessary for them to procure information, capital and raw material and present their make products all over the world. Such global acquisition of materials and distribution of products would not have been possible if genuinely strong supply chain has not been incorporated. Koprulu and Albayrakoglu (2007) have defined supply chain management as the integrated process that facilitates the associated organizations to break all the barriers of resource procurement and obtain the best possible resourc es for the business. According to them,
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
History Essay Example for Free
memorial Essay1. In your opinion, who started the dust-covered War? Explain in 5 sentences.In one opinion, the cutting War was non started by one side or the other. The frigorific War was more of a culmi earth of political, pagan and ideological differences than anything else(Pierpaoli). This being said, in fairness, both the West and the East provoked hostilities during the Cold War through various attempts to promote their respective political systems throughout the world. Ultimately, the Cold War was not decisively won by the West rather, the West was able to hold out prospicienter than the East. 2. angle of dip three major prolonged conflicts in the Cold War.During the Cold War, three major prolonged conflicts that erupted were the Korean War (19501953) the Vietnam War (19461975) and the struggle in Afghanistan (19791989)(Pierpaoli).3. How did the Cold War influence society and culture? 3 sentencesThe Cold War influenced society and culture in many ways. Culturally, t he Cold War gave birth to an undefiled genre of literature and motion pictures/television- the classic story of the secret agent. In terms of society, the Cold War divided society in terms of whether people, in both the East and West, supported capitalism or communism, and the many facets that each system offered (Pierpaoli).4. Evaluate the role of technology on the Cold War.engineering also played a role in the Cold War. It was through surveillance technology that the linked States was able to hold dear itself from Soviet aggression, such as the detection of missile sites in Cuba, a unstained 90 miles from the US mainland (Pierpaoli). Technology also helped the Soviets to detect an American U2 spy plane within their airspace- an concomitant which almost sparked World War III. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the nuclear weapon technology which both the US and USSR possessed held the potential to destroy the planet.5.What was Watergate and how did it influence the Vietnam War? Briefly describe.When one speaks of Watergate, they are usually referring to smuggled actions taken by President Richard M. Nixon. Watergate is said to have begun when Nixon ordered one of his closest advisors, Henry Kissinger, to tilt the telephone of a New York Time reporter in order to try to determine who was leaking instruction to the media about a secret bombing mission in Cambodia (Greene). This influenced the Vietnam War in that the public intimate of the many outrageous secret missions of the American military in Vietnam, raising public opposition to the war itself.6.A Short History of Terrorism, write a paragraph explaining the difference in modern act of terrorism and its historic antecedents given in this article.The single most remarkable difference modern terrorism and its historical antecedents is the fact that modern terrorism is not meant to advance the agenda of a particular nation, but is operate by the belief by many Middle Eastern nations that the Un ited States is an evil empire which matinee idol would like to see destroyed (Greenberg). This type of religious zeal gives modern terrorism its sharp dentition and deadly venom.7. Write a brief essay explaining your views on whether America should move beyond approbatory Action at this time. Support your position.America should move beyond Affirmative Action for several trace reasons first, as we have seen in recent months, opportunities have opened up for minorities from the most powerful percentage in the United States to the areas of entertainment, the media, and the average job in any city in the nation. Additionally, the increasing cultural diversity of America is transforming the demographic of the nation so that rather than minorities (Gryphon), there are any flesh of mini-majorities in place, thereby making favoritism for any given group both outdates and unnecessary.8. Did women have a positive role in the progressive movement even forrader they had the right to vot e? What was it? disembowel briefly.Women most definitely had a positive role in the progressive movement even before they had the right to vote because it was the women in society which held families together as men worked outside of the home for long hours, making the woman the essential person who fed/mentored the children, etc. It was in roles such as these that women were already asserting superiority before they could cast a ballot (Friedan).9. Did the U.S. do everything it could to help the Jews in atomic number 63? Is our current foreign policy a reaction to this situation? Briefly describe.In the final analysis, the US did not do everything it could to help the Jews in Europe, as there is evidence to suggest that the American governance knew about the plight of Jews in Europe for several years before getting involved to protect the lives and interests of European Jews. In a way, it can be said that our current foreign policy is a reaction to this past situation, as the US is both trying to prevent any aggression against the Jews of the order of that of the past in Europe, and also compensating Jews for past injustices.10. What were the roles of television and advertising in creating the consumer society of the post-World War II world? Briefly describe.Television and advertising created the consumer society of the post-World War II world, as they both shared out with millions of war-weary Americans a wide variety of products that were now available after years of rationing and scarcity referable to the war effort. This led to a consumer society, as American people not only grabbed the items that they needed and could not get for many years, but also those new items that had not been available before. All of this made the nation one of hardcore consumers, a trend that continues today.
Monday, April 15, 2019
A close focus on act III of The Crucible Essay Example for Free
A close focus on act tercet of The Crucible EssayThe conform to, The crucible, shows how people react to mass hysteria caused by a group of people, as people did during the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. The House un-American activities committee searched for communist sympathisers because they were felt to be a nemesis to the state. Many Americans were wrongly impeach of being communist sympathisers and were convicted and sentenced with protrude any real evidence of them having committed a crime. Mere suspicion was classed as evidence. And standardised the during the witch hunts, anyone who spoke out was accused which do fend for yourself a death wish. This is how McCarthyism was linked with the witch-hunts that had taken place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.The title of the play describes exactly what was happening at the time of the witch-hunts. A crucible is a container in which metals are het up(p) to extracted the pure element from impurities, and crucible is ano ther word for a cauldron that witches use to brew their charming potions in. So the word crucible could metaphorically be used to explain how the activities in Salem were like a potion brewing in a cauldron with the potion being mixed to separate the witches (impurities) from the good, god-loving citizens (element).The opening facet of the play shows the girls dancing in the woods around a cauldron, they are spotted by Parris who withal sees that one of them is naked.The people of Salem were Puritans and so dancing was perceived as a sin.The morning later on the dancing, two of the youngest girls cannot wake from bed. A doctor is called to answer the girls but he cannot diagnose what is wrong with them or how they can be helped, His simply advice is to look to the unnatural. The girls do not confess to their activities until Parris confronts them. Abigail says all that they did was dance and powerfully denies that any of them were naked, Uncle, we did dance. There is nothin mo re. I swear it, uncle.Mrs Putnam, the mother of the other ill child, believes that her miss Ruth and Parriss daughter Bettys illnesses are caused by the devil. Parris calls for Hale who is an expert on demonic artsParris is the minister of the Village, much to the Putnams dismay. Mr Putnams blood brother was in competition with Parris for the position of minister and so the Putnams have a grudge against not only Parris, but the Nurse family who prevented him from being minister and many of there neighbours for various reasons. Especially with Giles Corey who has worked out that the Putnams lead do anything to get their hands on other peoples land, This man is killing his neighbours for their land John monitoring device also has a grudge against Parris.Hale arrives in Salem, He is a confident and well upbringing young man who believes he has all the answers. As he is examining Betty Giles Corey distracts him by asking him questions about his married woman. Giles says that his wi fe reads strange books whilst they are in bed and while she is reading, he cannot pray. Hale carries on trying to help Betty with little effect. Parris tells Hale that he thinks he saw a kettle in the grass with the girls in the wood with something moving inside it. Hale questions Abigail but she denies that she drank blood and called the devil. Abigail then realises that if the truth is found out she will get in a lot of trouble and so she passes the blame onto Tituba, Parriss black slave, by saying that Tituba forced her to drink blood and even blames her wicked dreams on the slave.Tituba confesses to save herself from being hung. She mentions iv peoples names that she supposedly saw with the devil. Abigail mentions more and more names and then the rest of the girls join in, mentioning the names of anyone they hate, have a grudge against or unsloped dislike. As the girls cried out more names, the hysteria began to grow.By accusing others of witchcraft they are diverting attenti on away from their original misdemeanours.We can see that the Proctors kindred is not very strong, they make petty small talk over dinner and dont appear to be happy together. One reason for this may be that Elizabeth has not forgiven John for having an affair with Abigail whilst she was ill.Whilst Mary was at coquet with the other girls where people were being tried for witchcraft she made a poppet for Elizabeth. Abigail was school term next to Mary whilst she made it.By now 39 women had been arrested and Goody Osborn was sentenced to hanging.Mary, who had always been a very shy, timid girl was now becoming very easily led along by Abigail and just as confused between fact and conjuring trick as the other girls and. This is apparent when she tells the Proctors that Sarah Good had confessed to having made contact with Lucifer, and that Sarah Goods spirit tried to choke her in the courtroom. Mary then speaks of even more fantasy when she says that terrible stomach pains had been inflicted upon her when she had turned the old woman away whilst she was begging. Mary also accused the old woman of mumbling a spell to her, but Sarah Good claimed it was not a spell, it were her commandments. The court asked her to repeat the commandments, but she could not.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Stylistic Imitation Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free
Stylistic Imitation Catcher in the rye whisky EssayGoddamn its bright out here, all the phonies going to the lousy lake that depresses me. It true(a)ly does. Every whizz and theyre phony smiles just trying to fail on a boat. Itll make you puke just eyesight these goddamn girls with their tits all in their face, make you want to puke. It really will. The only girl worth sounding at was old Jane Gallagher you could stare at that ass of hers all day long. You really could. She looked like one of those playboy models. Those girls sure are nice to look at.One of my friends mom was in one of those magazines. We sure used to tease him a lot notwithstanding when his mom came down everyone got real quiet and just watched the way she would walk, goddamn it was nice. Stradlater always had those magazines all oer the place. Ackley kid was always look how he necked with one of them, you always knew he was lying but you went with it anyways. That kind of stuff make me sick to think mo st. You see it all the time, you always see some old man with a young girl. Itll make you sick.I heard Ackley kid call my name so I walked over to him. Ill admit it, I wasnt too crazy about him, but he had his certify and a car. He was a lousy guy. He really was. He was always looking for a fight like he was a tough bastard and all. I have only been in one fight in my life, the bastards name was Billy the kid. He was a big guy about 6 feet tall, the bastard picked me up and threw me on the ground just about knocked me out then I got up and he hit me again knocking me over, thats all I remember though I dont like talking about it much.I hate when people induct talking about some involvement and they just drag the story on too long that kind of thing pisses me off. It really does. Then they skip talking about there brother or what they had for lunch. Those bastards just start annoying me. Ackley kid said Caulfield what the hell are you doing? I replied trying to rubberneck old Jan e Gallagher but you stopped me goddamnit. Ack said Well lets go to the barroom and get a drink. The pub is the only local bar thatll sell you booze if your underage. Alright well lets get the hell out of here then, I want to get stinking drunk.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The merits and draw backs of utilitarianism Essay Example for Free
The merits and draw backs of utilitarianism EssayWhat is utilitarianism? The enormousest favourable of the sterling(prenominal) number. Simple. Or is it? In whatever real situation, there ar many people involved they will entirely be bear upon in different slipway there is no reason why the greatest number should call for the greatest good.What is usually meant in practice by that slogan is something like the following procedure for choosing among two or more actions.1. take in at the put in of life after each action. Look in particular at the level of gladness of each somebody in the various situations. 2. cast up up, somehow, those levels of pleasure in each case.3. Compare the results. The one, which leads to the maximum total happiness, is the ( morally) justifiedly one.The thing to notice just ab issue this is that it actually involves a lot of quite separate principles. I think it is fair to say that they are all part of the idea of utilitarianism. Someone who accepts some of them and not others may reasonably be called a utilitarian, even if they would see the procedure above as a vague outline.* Actions, as such, commence no moral value. What matters is their instal on the state of the earth.* In fact, the scarcely aspect of the state of the world that has any direct moral significance is the happiness or misery of people.* In particular, only individuals matter. The only relevance of the state of a family is the effect it has on the individuals.* All people are, ethically speaking, equal, in all situations. One persons happiness is precisely as important as anothers.* It is possible to measure happiness, in the adoptful sense, on some sort of running(a) scale.* It is possible to add up different peoples degrees of happiness, producing a substantive total happiness.There is at least one important issue, which I havent addressed so ut roughly You have to pick out the entire future of the universe in order to fuck off you r decision. I shall consider the practical difficulties of this later there is also a theoretical issue we are presumably ask to add up the total measuring stick of happiness in a persons entire lifetime. So we need some sort of calculus for happinessUtilitarianism has the awkward property of seeming entirely obvious to its proponents, and all the way wrong to its opponents.There are no ethical first principles, which are hold on by e rattlingone. On the other hand, there is a striking level of agreement about what is actually right and wrong. Of course, there are disagreements. But there is something pretty remnant to an agreement that (in most cases) murder, lying, rape and thievery are great(p), and that (in most cases) generosity, healing, truthfulness and loyalty are good.One obvious thing that these spotlights have in common is that most of the universally agreed good things make people happy, and most of the universally agreed bad things make people sad.Furthermore, th e actions usually reckoned to be the worst are often the ones that cause the most suffering. Rape, for instance, which causes lasting psychological trauma as well as involving physical injury, is generally reckoned to be morally much worse than theft.So, utilitarianism seems to do a pretty good job of giving the right answers. It seems make up to me that, all else being equal, something that makes me happy is better than something which doesnt. After all, thats one way in which I make decisions (although I wouldnt in such cases call them moral decisions). Since it seems plausible that all people are ethically equal, this means that anything that makes anyone happy is better than something which does not. This seems to lead naturally to something very like utilitarianism.However, what Ive explained as utilitarianism has a abominable problem it does not support ethical points in certain cases.For instance, suppose that I could, by putting my grandmother through excruciates, reliev e a large number of people from one minutes toothache. No matter how small the amount of suffering from which each person is lifted of, and no matter how great the amount I cause to my grandmother, if the number of people is large enough then the total amount of suffering in the world will be decreased in this manner. Therefore I ought to torture my grandmother. This seems to me, unacceptable. This I see as a major weakness in utilitarianism.Of course, there are ways round this problem. For instance, we could model happiness and misery with a number system, containing values higher and lower in the sense that no multiple of one was as big as the other.So, we can get somewhat that particular problem. But, there are others, though I wouldnt claim any of them as an actual rejection of utilitarianism. I shall take the utilitarian principles I listed above, and describe some objections to them.* Actions, as such, have no moral value. What matters is their effect on the state of the worl d.Is this truly convincing? It doesnt seem so to me. If I kill someone, isnt there something very bad about that, even if the killing turns out to be right in terms of maximising utility? I think most people would agree that a killing of this sort would be evil.In fact, the only aspect of life that has any direct moral significance is the happiness or misery of people.Suppose I tell a lie about you to a friend of mine, who has never had and never will have any sort of interaction with you, and swear him to secrecy, this makes no difference whatsoever to your future happiness. Does that make it OK? It seems clear to me that it doesnt.Isnt there, in fact, something basically good about truth and bad about falsehood?Suppose I get enormous satisfaction from causing you minor but genuine unpleasantness. Does that mean that its right for me to do so?* In particular, only individuals matter. The only relevance of the state of a family is the effect it has on the individuals.* All people are, ethically speaking, equal, in all situations. One persons happiness is precisely as important as anothers.What about criminals? If someone is in the process of raping your wife, do you really have to consider their well being as carefully as your wifes in deciding how to go about stopping them?* It is possible to measure happiness, in the required sense, on some sort of linear scale.* It is possible to add up different peoples degrees of happiness, producing a meaningful total happiness.Is it obvious that different sorts of happiness are not easy to measure? How do you compare, the contentment person A has from knowing that his bullion in the bank is earning him piles of interest for his retirement, the wonder person B feels on looking at the starry sky, the thrill person C has when listening to her favourite piece of music, person Ds frolic of an evening listening to a stand-up comic, and so on? And how do you weigh those up against person Ps toothache, person Qs unhappy mar riage? I dont know thats for sure.Lets pretend that all those problems are resolved, and that I believe that utilitarianism is correct. I now have a decision to make for instance, I have to define whether to cycle home in the dark without lights or to be late home. This is a trivial pillow slip it should be easy to work it out. Not easy at all. I have to work out the entire future of the whole universe, to work out exactly how happy each person is in each case and for how long, and add it all up. Good griefIn practice, what the utilitarian recommends is entirely different. I should make guesses as to the likely effects of the actions Im considering, estimate the ends levels of happiness, and do the best I can at adding them up in my head. Anything more is impossible, and in any case I cant be charge for things I cant predict.Id now like to suggest that there are merits to utilitarianism, despite its drawbacks.The first point is one Ive made already utilitarianism does a pretty g ood job of giving answers to ethical questions. nearly of us are capable of guessing what will happen if and imagining others responses to situations.Also considering the greatest good of the greatest number can be an effective way of defeating prejudices and selfishness. This ethical harmony is, after all, quite close to such principles as Do to others as you would have them do to you and Love your neighbour as yourself.Lastly, I think any theory of ethics has to acknowledge that happiness and suffering are in themselves good and bad. This is why utilitarianism does as well as it does. But clearly happiness and suffering, pain and pleasure, arent the whole story.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Hispanic American Diversity Essay Example for Free
Hispanic American Diversity EssayIn identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and statuses of Hispanic groups living in the unify States (US) the following remain as the center of oversight Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Columbians. While there is distinctiveness in each groups culture, their language categorizes them in unitary of dickens large groups known as Latino or Hispanic Americans. The Spanish language is communal amid these groups, though wholly retain exclusive dialects that set them apart.The commonalities and take issueences ar non limited to just language, further span across e rattling aspect of Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Columbian carriage of life. Today in the US millions of people classify themselves as Mexican Americans (2005). The intricate and affluent Mexican American multicultural heritage is a direct reflection of influences from such places as Spain and Mexico (2 005). The unique language of Mexican Americans is no exception to influences as it is derived from a combination of Mexicos national language, Spanish, and the national language of the US, English.Although sometimes described as an under-represented group in US politics, Mexican Americans were in truth active in the Mexican American cultivated Rights movement. This movement included a wide-rang of issues, from rights for farm workers to the right to vote (2000). As with their political status, socially Mexican Americans continually battle to fit in. Their want of having the American dream burns bright within the patrol wagon and minds of all Mexican Americans and makes their social battle seem that much more important.Throughout the immigration narrative of Mexican Americans, little advancement has been make for progress from immigrant rest to mainstream social status. This is largely due to the wishing of education provided and the vast amount of discrimination they received (2006). In education, another battle for Mexican Americans arises. Richard Alba (2006) stated, Huntington presents info that appear to show rattling low levels of Mexican-American educational advancement beyond high school, regardless of generation. A full comparison of high school education completion broken down by Hispanic origin.Note. From Bernstein, R. Bergman, M. (2005). Young, diverse, urban. United States Department of Commerce News. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http//www. census. gov/Press-Release/www/2003/cb03-100. html connatural to the make do noted with education, economically, Mexican Americans struggle for fair pay. During the Mexican American Civil Rights movement Mexican American economics came from the shadows to nonplus one of the many issues faced. Today this harsh reality mum burdens most all Mexican Americans. The one bright light may be their religious beliefs.Although, not always true, most churches forthwith turn out separate mass for Spanish spea king parishioners. Religion remains a very stiff promoter in Mexican American family and culture. As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Mexican Americans. They require strong ties to not wholly immediate family in the US but family living in Mexico as well. This bond is so deep that some families continue to send notes to their loved ones in Mexico. Similar to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans speak a derivative of Spanish as their main language.Politically, Puerto Ricans like Mexican Americans atomic number 18 under-represented in US politics. In fact their start in politics held them back from individualizing themselves. The progression of politics into Puerto Rican life in the US has gone from focusing on social and cultural issues in the mid-fifties to electoral participation and lobbying becoming the mainstay of their political ground (2003, p. 6). With all the strides Puerto Ricans have made politically, socially they have grown as well. The y have integrated themselves into society, by fighting the same battles all Latinos fought racial discrimination and discrimination.Although, they have a higher percentage of people graduating high school than Mexican Americans, they still hold on less than three quarters of Hispanic origin people. As with education and politics struggles with economics excessively faced most Puerto Ricans. They struggled for fair wages and equal opportunities just as all Latinos did. Today that struggle has become less but still lingers in areas where there is still racism and discrimination. Very interchangeable to Mexican Americans, religion remains a very strong factor in the family and culture of Puerto Ricans.once more most churches beam separate mass for Spanish speaking parishioners, making it easier for Puerto Ricans to practice their faith. As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Puerto Ricans. They have strong ties to not only immediate family in the US bu t family living in Puerto Rico as well. The fact that all Puerto Ricans are US citizens makes family all that more important. As with Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans main language is Spanish. Similar to Mexican Americans politically Cubans are under-represented in US politics. approximately are just so happy to get out of the dictatorship they lived in Cuba they would rather not get caught up in politics at all. The strides they have made politically have helped to advance them socially, economically and in their education. Out of the Hispanic origins Cubans are the second highest only being beat by other Hispanics for High school completion. According to Jason Cato (2003), In rising to overlook the centers of power in Miami, Cuban-Americans have reversed the traditional cycles of assimilation and acculturation. Seeking freedom from the oppression of Cuba has not removed the strong ties they have to their homeland. These ties have caused Cuban Americans to ada pt parts of the US culture to their own. seek for conventional culture is not a focus. Religiously, Cuban Americans like both Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans are earnest to their religion as it is a very strong factor in their family and culture. Again most churches conduct separate mass for Spanish speaking parishioners, making it easier for Cubans to practice their faith.As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Cubans. Family is their way of holding on to cultures and traditions from Cuba. As with Mexican American, Puerto Rican and Cuban, Columbians also speak Spanish as their principal language. Columbian Americans are a very poor. Most migrated to the US to flee war and indigence seen within Columbia. They are often looking for work so that they can send money to their family still living in Columbia. Columbians rarely get involved in politics as they are very focused on family and making money.Work related interaction is the limit, except for o ther Columbians, of their social standing in the US. As with politics Columbians have very little interest in US culture. Most are here to work to send money home. With work being their main objective small-arm in the US, they do not have time for anything else. They live on very little money and scrape to send as much over to Columbia as possible. Their wages are very low and they work long and mostly very hard hours just to get by. Similar to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans, Columbians are very strong in their religion.They have an opportunity to go to mass that is conducted in Spanish as well as practice their religion on their own. Family is so very important in a Columbian Americans life. Everything they do is to better their familys life. They have deep ties to family not only in the US but in Columbia as well. This helps them to keep their culture and heritage as strong today as it was yesterday. Everything in their culture revolves around their religion and fami ly. When comparing different Hispanic groups, the commonalities out way the differences in almost every scenario.The Similarities range from language, religion, and family to the reasons they came to the US. They also all care deeply and have very strong ties to their homeland and continue to focus on that rich heritage. The differences are few but angry walk more from social status and the want to be part of the mainstream. Politics, economic and social standings all differ for each group. This is largely due to assimilation and the different level of strides that have been made over time. The groups that have had more success politically have had the opportunity to advance socially and economically.These three combined in any order lead to an opportunity of the other. The strides and struggles that these four Hispanic groups have made has cleared a path for other Hispanic origin groups to make the same journey. References Alba, R. (2006). Mexican Americans and the American Dream. Political skill Politics. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from www. apsanet. org/imgtest/PerspectivesJun06Alba. pdf Bernstein, R. Bergman, M. (2005). Young, diverse, urban. United States Department of Commerce News. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http//www. census. gov/PressRelease/www/2003/cb03-100. html Cruz, J. (2003).Puerto Rican politics in the United States. Centro Journal. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http//redalyc. uaemex. mx/redalyc/pdf/377/37715101. pdf. Cato, J. (2004). Becoming American in Miami reconsidering immigration, race and ethnic relations. Center for Latin American Studies. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from socrates. berkeley. edu7001/Events/fall2003/11-20-03-stepick/index. html Mendoza, V. , Chicano History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. (2000). , The Journal for Multimedia History. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from www. albany. edu/jmmh/vol3/chicano/chicano. html.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Light intensity Essay Example for Free
Light intensity endurevasThe set up of the circuit is unreserved as shown above. The 12-volt lamp is set up in a simple circuit. Then in a SEPARATE circuit, the light dependent resistor is connected to the Multimeter, which shows the resistance readings. If I did connect the LDR in the same circuit, I would almost certainly fry the LDR, and ruin the experiment I want to keep the distance from the lamp to the LDR the same. I have decided after testing the system, to put the LDR at present under the lamp. This nominates me bring down the best readings for the earlier voltages when the bulb is dim.It similarly helps to cancel push through any different light, which for ca-ca obviously get in the way more, the further the LDR is from the bulb. I pass on find reveal how much this effects the results in the previous practical. I will needed to keep the bulb at a set height, perhaps 2cm above the LDR. During the preliminary practical, in that respect are many things I can do to get the optimum results. That includes keeping the distance and height the same, but besides taking the indemnify resistance reading. You can set the resistance readings on the Multimeter to different levels of accuracy. If you dont have a large affluent setting, the dial will display one.I will then go down one until I get a suitable answer. I whitethorn even have to change the accuracy settings during the preliminary practical, if they become too inaccurate. My independent variable is voltage (potential difference). I will be finding out how the intensity of the light effects resistance of the LDR. I will be going up in gaps of 2 volts, up to 12 or 14 volts, giving me seven readings. I need to machinate sure I get two, preferably 3 sets of good results, to iron out anomalies, getting a better over wholly average. Some small errors could creep in when reading off the Multimeter. The resistance readings will start to fluctuate slightly.I will take the best reading I can b y waiting until the Multimeter stays on one number. The more accurately I set the Multimeter, the harder this is to do. Of course, this is only an initial method. The preliminary practical will give me a good feel of the equipment, and where things could go wrong. I will be able to change things for the final practical. Preliminary Work I will need to condense a preliminary practical for many reasons. A preliminary is very good for helping me get a feel for the equipment. I will do it to find out how much resistance there is without the lamp being turned on, to see what effect other light has on the LDR.I will likewise see if this changes when the LDR is out in the open. From this, I can decide where I will put the LDR in the final experiment. To start with, I will have the LDR directly under the lamp, so as micro light as possible gets to the LDR. A second thing I will probably do, is lento increasing the voltage until a noticeable difference is shown on the LDR. I will also ge t a good feeling of what I expect to happen in the actual main practical, and where I will be getting anomalous results. I may also be able to prognosticate trends, and alter my graphs. I will only take readings at a few voltages.I may take readings at 4 volts (the lowest reading), 8 (a middle reading), and 12 (the highest reading. These are all of or so use, as they will give me an estimate of the trends, and by finding the highest and lowest readings, the range. I will also need, in my preliminary practical, to take down the conditions that the practical is taken in. I will need to make the experiment as fair as possible, so I will need to see where all the extra light is coming from, so I can regulate that in my main experiment, and also things like the vertical distance from the LDR to the lamp.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Globalization and Implementation Plan Essay Example for Free
Globalization and Implementation formulate EssayThis report testament provide credit line and demographic information to determine a broadcast of assembly line strategies and alternatives for home computer memory to get in or abandon the Argentine retail foodstuff for crustal plate service centers. kinsperson reposition must be re each(prenominal)y specific and strategic to try to re-enter the foodstuff due the abject failure in entering the market in 1997 and existing the market in 2001 from the escape of profits and community acceptance. rest home destination can non afford another failure in genus genus genus genus genus Argentina or South America. ( place blood lineho commit. 2013).Home poleHome Depot is the 4th largest retailer in the US, the 5th largest retailer in the world and ultimately the worlds largest home improvement specialty retailer. In 35 days, Home Depot ope evaluate 2,257 retail stores in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico , U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Canada, and Mexico. The alien locations (294) generate entirely 12% of Home Depots total revenues. They be rich person engineered launch and expanding upon into unconnected markets finished acquisition of little retailers and broadened upon their success. The Home Depot, Inc. operates as a home improvement retailer. It sells building materials, home improvement products, and lawn and garden products, as well as providing installation, home maintenance, and professional service programs to do-it-yourself, do-it-for-me, and professional customers. It serves home owners, professional remodelers, planetary contractors, repairmen, small business owners, and tradesmen.From the beginning, The Home Depot has learned strategic product alliances directly with in the lead manufacturers delivering the nigh exclusive products and national brands. They also provide a combination of proprietary products resembling Ryobi tools, RIDGID tools, BEHR paint, LG appliances, and Toro lawn equipment. Home Depot has set the standard for innovative merchandise for the do-it-yourselfer and the professional contractors. In addition, they can provide exporting service for products worldwide. (Home Depot. 2013).ArgentinaThis portion of the report will review the demographics, stinting markets, income levels and notes values, assimilation and on with the ratified and political milieu in Argentina and South America for Home Depot reentrance.The total world of Argentina is just over 42 million people covering 2.8 million square kilometers (km). It is the eighth largest country in the world and speaks primarily Spanish and Italian along with English, German and French. The population is primarily located among five largest cities of the country in northern 30% of the country and within 600 km of the capital Buenos Aires with 13 million citizens. It has little than 1% population developing and the average age is 30 years old with a 98% lite racy rate and 16 years of formal education. Regretfully, the average unemployment rate is estimated to be 10.2 and higher for females.The income level for individuals per capita is $18,820 and ranks 73rd in the world. The labor force is comprised of 17M workers and ranks 36th in the world. The percentage of the population beneath the poverty line is 30%. Between the poverty line and the percentage of unemployment and contraction in the prudence is does not provide a lot of discretionary money to be used for purchasing homes, maintenance, and remodeling.The culture of Argentina is based upon traditional Roman Catholic values (92% membership) centered upon family values and 100s of years of religious beliefs, values, dependence and fostering upon local relationships. The culture is also driven by ain relationships with the expectation of working with you to find solutions to consumer needs. M each Argentinians do not like the big box neutral retail stores that do not conduct the p ersonnel to spend time creating trust and loyalty with customers. (CIA Factbook. 2013).external Considerations for Argentina and Home DepotThe economy of Argentina is the 22nd largest in the world with a harvest rate of 2.6% with a GDP of $475B in 2012. It has a diversified economy due to the many lifelike resources available to them. Manufacturing is the largest segment of industry with 20% agriculture with 5% and the remaining in the services and tourism sector. The currency in Argentina is based upon the peso and the current reciprocation rates sicks for US dollars range from 1 peso to 4.1 to 4.6 dollars. Argentina is a member of Mercosur with Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay implementing a Common External Tariff (CET) for non-members to wage tariffs up to 35%. This was enforced to treasure those economies from the dumping of cheaper foreign goods. Argentina defaulted on its debt in 2002 leading foreign investors to flee and usurp their investments elsewhere. Since then, Arg entina nationalized the $24 billionpensions fund and limited the bills of foreign purchases of land.Argentina has not been able to pull out if the economic slump and economic growth has completely stalled. The approving view point for economic growth in Argentina in 2013 will be less than 3.5% for consumer demand, industrial production and exports. This will apply additional economic pressure for homebuyers to make purchase homes and banks uncoerced to lend.They apply implemented a number of measures to keep dollars in the country counterbalancericting foreign currency exchanges and debt obligations in defending the value of the peso. These restrictions have effectively made it al to the highest degree im practical to obtain US dollars for the purposes of real estate purchases. The federal tax agencys authorization is immediately required sooner making any foreign exchange purchase. The implementation of these tight policy measures has the real estate exertion in 2012 send packing approximately 40%, making it one of the sectors smite performing years in the country in a decade. The number of commercial real estate transactions in Buenos Aires fell 46% to 6,315 and residential transactions fell 15% in 2012. (Bifani. 2013)The legal arranging for Argentina has die very restrictive over the years to protect their business and economy from inflation and currency issues. They have the Argentinas Customs Code (DGA), which registers all foreign importers and exporters. They apply import duties and taxes to all imports along import duties, statistical taxes, value-added taxes and excise duties. Argentina has strict regulations and fees regarding the purchasing of property by foreign interests, which limits the authority for revenues and growth. (CIA Factbook. 2013).Market Considerations for Argentina and Home DepotIs Argentina, the best possible country for Home Depot to reinvest into? Argentina ranks in the bottom 10 countries in the world for foreign bus inesses to do business in. Specifically for Home Depot, it takes 12 months for a construction company to obtain a construction permit, which double what it takes throughout the rest of South America. This would greatly impact Home Depot ability to build stores and expand within Argentina. The legal age of businesses hours operate between 9am 7 pm and can run to 9 or 10pm for retail stores. The business hierarchy is top down with ideas and instructions come from the top. They are very respectful of business communications protocol and will not break those social norms or status structure. With these facts in mind, it demonstrates Argentinians require time to develop trust and familiarity, especially for foreigners. Negotiations will take a considerable amount of time and you must be willing to turn over and debate to get their assist and consensus. They will not hesitate to interrupt and argue for the finer points of agreements before proceedings to the next step. (Communicaid. 2 009). The fol funkying are business points regarding the desire to potentially expand into Argentina.They have a value added tax (VAT) across the economy and a wealth tax. These taxes discourage twain internal and external business to invest in larger business ventures due the countrys desire to confiscate profits from business people from investing. The brass has huge political swings of ideology and purpose. This creates an environment that can propagate corruption, bribery and short term political or economic decisions to encourage suffrage support. They are a 60% tax evasion rate, which is triple that of US citizens. For many of the key economic indicators, Argentina ranks the bottom 25% in the world for doing business, economic freedom, human rights, taxes, and corruption. The inflation rate is or so 10% and outside economists are reporting about 20%.Credit cards have low credit limits restricting higher purchases and up to a 45% interest rate. This does not encourage busine sses to take any risks or initiatives for business growth i.e. construction businesses. (Chafkin, M. 2001). Overall according the financial reports, Argentina is now considered a third world country due to its difficulty with globalization and working with foreign countries. * They have established strict foreign investment guidelines prohibiting foreign ownership. * They have restricted construction companies for building and developing business areas. * They have high tax rates and low reinvestment rates back into their country. * They have problems with government corruption, bribery and ethics. Entry Modes (Globalization Implementation Plan)This portion will cover the various possibilities for establishing the Modes of Entry for Home Depot to reenter Argentina. Home Depots expansion in foreign markets has been less than successful such as the ones in South America, China and Southeast Asia. They have had both(prenominal) success in Canada and Mexico due to be substantial trad ing partners in the NAFTA agreement and similar ideology of home ownership and access to credit, export This mode of business entry will not effectively work for expanding and opening home improvement stores in Argentina at this time. Local competitors will prefer to source construction products from local suppliers preferably than to purchase from foreign suppliers. They have implemented restrictions for international trade with tariffs and entrance barriers, which will increase the possible competitive pricing to become less attractive(a) for Home Depot.Turn-Key Operations This mode of entry will not be a viable alternative due to the fact that Home Depot does not provide any explicit technology over the local DIY businesses such as EASY. This mode could rail at Home Depot by training and possibly improving competitors ability to repugn with Home Depot in other markets in South America like Mexico. Licensing This mode of entry is similar to Turn-Key due to the lack of control over the foreign business and again Home Depot cannot provide any real production improvements other than economies of scale to existing or new business. It would totally provide royalty fees to Home Depot and would not warrant the business investment.Franchising Franchising is similar to licensing. It works when companies have a strategic production process like such as mentioned in the text with Fuji-Xerox or even McDonalds. Home Depot does not provide the specialized processes or supply chain to support the development of franchising into foreign markets. Wholly Owned Subsidiary This is the method and mode of entry Home Depot tried before and failed. At that point in time, Argentinians ability to own and purchase property was very restrictive for a majority of the population. Argentinians are not accustomed with reinvesting into their homes or dwelling.They did not have the incentives to reinvest or the desire to learn how to perform the tasks that it would take to complete a su ccessful DIY project. Also, Home Depot is not an Argentinian or Latin American business, which creates a lack of respect and loyalty. The Easy company growth is due to Home Depot building the model and Easy taking them and restructuring them for Latin American consumers. (Hill, C. 2011). word Ventures This is the only method or mode of entry that makes sense for Home Depot to pursue. In the textbook, thither are examples of Tesco and Jollibee competing with bigger more entrenched businesses by use articulate ventures and investments to establish a foothold.For Home Depot to renter the South American market and specifically Argentina, I imagine the only prize Home Depot has is to engage in joint ventures with smaller DIY businesses in Argentina and gain some traction similar to Tesco in Europe and Asia. Also, EASY is now the big player in the market with 49 DIY stores. It is doubtful they would entertain any joint ventures without the ability to be the controlling partner or giv e up its majority interest.Monetary SystemsThis portion will evaluate Argentinas explanation of monetary policy and its effect upon the potential desire or ability for Home Depot to open up home improvement retail stores there. Argentina history relating to financial and monetary policy has been turbulent and at a crisis stage numerous times. Argentina is working hard to revamp their economy and currency ratings. It has a GDP of $475B ranking 22nd in the world and one of the largest economies in South America. In 1998 Argentina entered a four year depression resulting from governmental tax increases, devaluing of its currency, freezing bank deposits, defaulting on foreign debt up to $93B, and finally removing the linkage between the peso and the US dollar. Some of international issues relating to Argentinas reputation have been reducing the international trade/currency exchanges have been their protectionists policy and rated the worst in the world by the World Bank.They have seiz ed control over the largest oil and airline companies in the country. They are also being censured by the IMF for dishonest reporting of national statistics specifically inflation rates. (Singer, H. 2013). Argentina has attempted practically every single monetary system known today to their economy and all have failed resulting in financial crisis over the last 35 years. The flexible exchange rate system led to a hyperinflation and the currency board has led to dramatic recessions. During the first three crises, Argentina was using a fixed exchange rate to allow government control. The first crisis was in 1975 with the collapse of that stabilisation plan resulting in the devaluing of their currency by 100% and more than a dozen followed the next year. The snatch crisis was to the Tablita plan in 1981 the Tablita plan was to reform banking regulations and capital account restriction affecting its currency and exchange rates.It still ended with an 82% devaluation of its currency in o ne year. The third crisis occurred within 12 months in 1982 with Alemann Plan. This plan was designed around the banking and insurance industries connected to foreign currency exchanges. At this time, Argentina broken-down the fixed exchanges for a natation exchange system. The next dodging Argentina attempted was after the 2001 crisis and implemented a dual exchange rate system to manage and control their economy and currency values.This allows them to use both fixed and/or floating system with the ability for different fixed and floating rates during the same period of time. The fixed exchange rates are used for essential imports and exports account transactions. The floating exchange rates are used for capital account transactions determined by the market critical to providing foreign cash reserves for the country. Usually, countries implementing dual exchanges rates are using protectionist control to protect their economy and financial markets such as China. (Investopedia. 201 3)Business Strategy for Home Depot to enter ArgentinaThis portion of the report is to provide a platform of business strategies and alternatives for Home Depot to re-enter the Argentinian retail market for home improvement centers. Home Depot cannot afford another failure in Argentina or South America. From the beginning, The Home Depot develops strategic product alliances directly with industry-leading manufacturers to deliver the most exclusive products assortments to customers. Home Depots expansion strategies have been very successful throughout North America when they have used acquisition strategies. Their expansion in Argentina did not produce the same results due to the lack of a substantial home improvement company to purchase. They chose to organically grow the market in Argentina. This dodge failed due to many different situations occurring during the same time frame political failure of the government and presidential resignations, huge drop in their GDP, default on the foreign debt, currency failure, widespread unemployment and public riots.It was like the perfect storm for the country and Home Depot. (Home Depot. 2013). In reviewing the many strategies that are available for Home Depot to re-enter the market in Argentina, there are many limitations based upon the history of Argentina and Home Depot. They definitely have the ability to leverage economies of scale for providing home improvement products at almost any price point that the consumers is willing to pay. These economies of scale would be too large for any competitive business to ignore.Their major competitor, Cencosud is the company they sold their four stores to in 2001. It is the largest retailer in South America with over 1,045 retail store in a variety of markets. It is a $19B company with 125,000 employees. Home Depot is a $70B corporation with 331,000 employees in about 2,294 stores. This would be an extremely difficult acquisition and inevitably against their acquisition strategy of buying smaller businesses and expanding through gradual growth. This also limits the amount of exporting potential to Argentina through Cencosud due to the lack of exporting profits. (Cencosud. 2013).RecommendationsAll of these factors leave The Home Depot with a limited amount of possibilities to re-enter the Argentinian market. The best possibility is to partner with Cencosud in a strategic alliance or find smaller specialized retailers that are currently competing with Cencosud in Argentina and offer them very attractive distribution, pricing and profit sharing. I would find it difficult to invest in this countrys economy due the protectionist ideology of the government. Their policies have not created real economic growth and restrict the ability for foreign companies to invest without excessive tax on profits.The current business environment, banking system and construction restrictions are not conducive for foreign involvement or investments. Home Depot has already attempt ed once, I believe it would take an even larger investment to overcome the negative perception in 2001. Also, they have a major competitor Sodimac in place and have had double digit growth since 2005. Their best expansion strategies for Home Depot to get back into go into Argentinian markets would be establishes strategic alliances with the smaller retailers for exportations, joint ventures directly with Fallabella and foreign direct investments to invest with either of the businesses if available depending upon the political complexity of the government. (Forbes. 2011).ReferencesBifani. (2013). Argentine concrete Estate Activity Sharply Falls. 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Retrieved from https//www.easy.com.ar/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/es/easyar/information-page?identifier=mapa_locales.html Encyclopedia of Business. (2013). Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances. Retrieved from http//www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Int-Loc/Joint-Ventures-and-Strategic-Alliances.htmlixzz2SRvvAulT Forbes. (2011). Home Depot Remodels Its Growth Plans. Retrieved from http//www.forbes.com/2001/11/30/1130homedep ot_print.html Global Property Value. (2013). Argentina. Retrieved from http//www.globalpropertyguide.com/Latin-America/argentina/Price-History Hill, Charles W. L. (2011). Global Business Today. (7th ed.). saucy York The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. ISBN 978-0-07-813721-1. Home Depot. (2013).About Us. Retrieved from https//corporate.homedepot.com/OurCompany/History/Pages/default.aspx Kaminsky, G., (2009). Thirty Years of Currency Crises in Argentina. External Shocks or Domestic breakability?. George Washington University. Retrieved from http//home.gwu.edu/graciela/HOME-PAGE/RESEARCH-WORK/WORKING-PAPERS/argentina.pdf Isora, M., (2009). Importance of Strategic Alliances in Company Activity. Retrieved from http//www3.mruni.eu/int.economics/5nr/Isoraite.pdf Sprawl Busters. (2008). Argentina. Adios, Home Depot. Retrieved from http//www.sprawl-busters.com/search.php?readstory=821
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Sons and lovers Essay Example for Free
Sons and experiencers EssayIn the metre that Lawrence Wrote women were thought of as macrocosm pure and truthful. Women coquet an important role in this novel as it often makes us wonder do these characters rattling exist in reality. Lawrence, in his book Sons and Loers shares with us many different types of women, in this critical depth psychology of women in Sons and Lovers I will be dealing with three women Mrs. Morel, Miriam and Lily. Mrs. Morel is the most significant of all the women in the novel, seeing that e genuinelything revolves around her. She dislikes her husband because of his persistent consumption of alcohol and the way he abuses her, because of this she focuses all her time and devotion the her two young sons Paul and William.Her love that she gives he two sons can be interpret as being incestuous desires for instance when Paul is telling his mother that he does non love Miriam and he continuously kisses her. She is treating William and Paul as her part ners and is very controlling and she insists on having complete control over them for example when Paul is getting too shut down to Miriam, Mrs. Morel fears that she will lose control over him and that Miriam being the person that she is will change and bring out the best in Paul. She also fears that Paul is tone ending to forget about her and she is going to be left alone with her drunken abusive husband. As a result of this she chases and treats Miriam badly.The kind of love that is given by Mrs. Morel to her sons is very stifling and there is not some(prenominal) that can come out of such a relationship, because of this Paul is undeveloped and depends on her for everything, he does not know how to be in a relationship and he tells his mother, I will not be able to love another as long as you live this line is important to air because it not only shows that Mrs. Morels love is damaging her son but it is also a foretell of what is to come later on in the text.Miriam is another type of woman that Lawrence introduces us to in the novel, she is very shy and soft spoken and slowly falls in love with Paul, she is very spiritual and Blessed somewhat like a saint/pre-mundane which is spiritual and heavenly. I believe that Miriam will be the buyback of Paul and save him from his mother. She truly loves Paul and he is continuously pushing her away because of that stifling locating of his mother. Miriam has the Power to break Paul away from his mother but does not realize this, or the hasslemay be that she is not the fighting type and cannot stand up firm to Mrs. Morel.Paul teaches her french and Algebra but Miriam seems not to render the algebra and Paul gets extremely annoyed by this he does not understand wherefore she cannot grasp it. He is mean to her because of this and she is extremely clam about the whole situation. Miriam is extremely close to her siblings and takes extremely good care of them and because of this Paul is very angry with her, he do es not understand why she does what she does. This is so because Paul was not used to having that amount of love among his siblings.This conflict can also be interpreted as Paul being jealous of the relationship that Miriam has with her siblings. Lilly, a woman that William falls in love with on his stay in London is portrayed to the readers as a Gold-Digger who does not really care about William she is only with him because of his money and not because of love. Lilly is very rude towards Anne, Williams sister, she orders Anne around on their visit to Williams house. William tells his mother about Lilly and his mother says to leave her. Shortly after when William dies the Morels never listen from Lilly again, only on this one time that she writes to Mrs. Morel stating that she has moved on.The Women in this novel Sons and Lovers play a very important role and has extreme effects on many of the characters whether it be the power of control and possessiveness the particular is that women is symbolic to Lawrence in some way.
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